What makes a Good Leader?
Our question for this term of ‘What makes a Good Leader?’ will be explored through the Catholic Social Teaching lens of Rights and Responsibilities across the whole curriculum. In order to ensure the common good, we must protect human rights as well as meet our responsibility for the rights of others, the good of the individual, for the family and the wider community.
As part of our enquiry learning we will develop a chronological understanding of the significant history of Britain, through the exploration of the Viking invasions and the events leading up to the battle of Hastings 1066. They will consider the influence of leaders during the time and explore how events of the past impact society today. Through their research they will begin to formulate a discussion on division and conflict and whether separating people by their differences will help resolve conflict or reinforce dispute. As they investigate the famous battle of Hastings, they will have the opportunity to consider leadership and how leaders are selected. This will support their learning into leaders of today and the qualities it takes to become a leader, preparing them to become future leaders. Children will also be encouraged to share their own ideas or experiences throughout this, allowing them to build curious minds. Throughout this study we will be continually building upon our skills and knowledge. Therefore, our ‘golden nuggets’ of knowledge will be embedded in our long-term memories!