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Hymns and Rhymes

We have been talking about “Daily Hygiene “ how we keep clean and why it is important. Please share this rhyme together, can you remember the actions?

Please enjoy this weeks rhyme and can you remember all the actions to teach your grown up?

The Butterfly Song

Following our RE learning we sang along to the butterfly song, showing our appreciation to all the creatures God created. See if you can remember the actions for each animal 🦋🪱🐻

Our God is a Great Big God

As we begin our religious journey, we are focusing on learning this hymn together; learning all about how Great God is!

We are sharing this rhyme together, thinking about the fish God created in the oceans. Can you share this rhyme together, try taking it in turns to catch fish, responding to the different questions asked within the rhyme.

This is one of the rhymes we are learning at Pre School please practice it at home with your family you could use pretend cakes or even make some real ones 😊 Don’t forget to use some real pennies , how many will you need?
