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Story Telling Week

During PE time we used our imagination to create a story using the children’s ideas we used classical music to inspire our movements. The narrative began on a runaway bus which had magic powers and flew . We landed in Dinosaur Land ( and we actually heard the dinosaur noises) We hid in trees and bushes and had to navigate across deep rivers, muddy patches and scary dinosaurs.

“ Why Granny what BIG EARS you have! “

We came together as a Foundation Stage to share the story “ Little Red Riding Hood” The children were confident to play the different characters and perform in front of their peers. The story telling session was very active and even the audience got involved. The children used different voices, discussed emotions and really got into character.

WOW! Today we took our rhyme box and instruments to forest school with us. We recapped some of our recent rhymes and then added instruments to explore what sounds we can make on our bus. The children recognised that we could make a quiet sound for daddy on the bus who was ‘shushing’ and we explored making a loud noise for the horn of the bus. We used our instruments to explore forest school, acting out ‘we’re going on a bear hunt’ and copying the sounds we could hear around forest school.
