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KS2 Carol Service

We had great fun watching Pre-Schools Nativity

We have had so much fun learning about the advent wreath and each week lighting another candle to countdown the days to Jesus’ birth.

In PE we have been practising our jumping from the vaults we were very brave and very good at it!

We went to visit year 6 today for their project day it was really fun and exciting.

We enjoyed our Christmas Dinner together!

Golden book children

We enjoyed putting up our Christmas tree and doing the Reindeer run for Mary Stevens Hospice.

Golden book children

This week we have been learning about the Nativity story, we have role played the story together.

We enjoyed stay and pray and choosing with our family members

We enjoyed sharing our learning with our families in our phonics workshop

Pre-School and Receptions welcome service with Fr Stefan

One of our favourite things to do in golden time is watch a film with hot chocolate and marshmallows! 💕

Class worship

Golden book children

We made poppies to remember the soldiers who were injured or died in the war.

Hip hip hooray! We did a role play wedding and were learning all about the church and the priest we enjoyed celebrating with all our friends!

Today we were all wearing odd socks for odd sock day to express ourselves

We really enjoyed making and painting our Diva lamps

We have been celebrating Diwali in class with lots of different activities reading and acting out the story of Rama and Sita exploring patterns.

Gods Planet Day, we spent the day with the Rise Theatre learning all about how we can save the planet.

We have made poppies for Rememberence Day, we are so proud!

Community Language Day - we are learning French, we had so much fun trying french food and doing lots of activities together with Pre-School.

Forest school is so fun we love to explore!

We love sharing our learning with our parents at Stay and Pray

We’ve been learning about numbers 1, 2 & 3 and subitising.

Today we had some time before going home to pray the Rosary together.

We have had so much fun choosing this week!

Congratulations Golden Book children!

Today we had stay and pray, we invited our parents and carers in to play and share our learning about the Wednesday Word.

Bike ability zoom zoom!

October is the month of the Rosary, we visited the Mary garden to pray the Rosary together with our class Rosary beads.

We went for a school tour, it was so exciting!

We have been exploring all the different fruit and vegetables God made for us!

Our Harvest Assembly, we sang Dingle Dangle Scarecrow.

CST week: Stewardship of Gods Creation, we have been looking at all the wonderful things God made especially the variety of fruit and vegetables we have. We explored some fruit and vegetables which we had never seen before.

It’s been another really busy week in our classroom, we have had so much fun sharing our family pictures, talking about our houses and even building a big house for our school family to live in💕

In PE this week we have been working on our gross motor skills we enjoyed throwing our bean bags on a target and playing the traffic light game

Congratulations to our Golden Book children!

We’ve had a really busy week, we are so glad we could finish it by enjoying a cake together! 🍰

We enjoyed talking about our family this week, we have drawn our family members and even created a stick house for them too!

We went to Forest School for the first time this week, it was so exciting! Together with Pre-School we went to find things which God created in the creation story and made some hats with some of the things we could find. We really enjoyed digging for worms and even found a caterpillar too!

During class worship we dressed the alter and talked about this weeks Wednesday word ‘Faith’

Here we are standing united with refugees to stop Parliament sending them to Rwanda. We made paper aeroplanes with our messages and pictures on ready to send to the Houses of Parliament.

Congratulations to our Golden Book children

Our prayer partners came to read a story with us. We enjoyed sharing our topic story Elmer and talking about what we can learn from the story.

Today we met our prayer partners from Year 6, we are super excited to have new friends that we will be able to share our learning with.

Today we had a visit from the Tablet Academy

Our first day at school, we had so much fun exploring the learning environment
