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Autumn 2022

Which changes were the most significant in Prehistory?

In this history driver, we will be exploring the history and geography curriculum through the question - Which changes were the most significant in Prehistory? (Stone Age to Iron Age). As historians, we will continue to develop our secure chronological knowledge and a deepen our understanding of British, local and world history. 
Throughout the Autumn term, we will explore different aspects of our first research topic in order to elicit our curiosity of the wider world and life before History as we know it. Starting with our first EBL question, we will explore ‘How did Prehistoric Britain begin?’. We do not know a lot about Prehistory – evidence of what life was like that long ago can be difficult to find. Therefore, this question will allow us to discover what happened in the past, why those things happened and how have they may have changed in modern Britain today. We will look at Britain through the ages, identify contrasts and trends over time and discover which changes were of great significance in Prehistory. We will work hard and dig up evidence to work out what happened in the past, record our findings and become ‘Archaeologists of OLSK!’  

After all, Archaeologists find out about the past by digging - Let’s get ready to dig, discover and date! 

This topic lends itself to many other curriculum areas, including RE. Looking at Stonehenge as being a sacred place of worship, we can make links to our Catholic Church. As Geographers, we will revisit our geographical skills of using maps by locating Skara Brae and will also make maps of our surviving UK monuments from the Prehistoric Ages. 

Through enquiry-based learning and being actively involved in our learning, we will deepen our knowledge and become authentic historians! 
