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News and Messages

Good morning Y2, I hope you enjoyed your half term!

This half term, please come to school in PE kits as usual on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Please bring a forest school kit every Tuesday to change into at school.

Homework and spellings will remain on Fridays.


See you tomorrow! Miss Meese :)





Y1 Lenten Action                  


We have lots of old reading books that aren't part of our reading scheme now  - and they looking for new homes! If you would like to take some home, you are very welcome! They will be outside Y1 before and after school this week.

All we ask is for a  donation in the box of whatever you can afford - all proceeds will go to Cafod and The Welcome Group.


Thank you!


Easter Bonnet Parade

Children are invited to create their own Easter Bonnet at home ready for our parade. Parents are invited to watch KS1 parade around the school playground on Thursday 14th March at 2:45pm (weather permitting) showing off their fantastic bonnets!


Thank you :)

Our Lenten Action

As our new Catholic Social Teaching is Option for The Poor and Vulnerable and we are thinking about giving during Lent, we decided in Y2 to have an old clothes and toy collection to donate to The Halesowen Welcome Group.


If you have any old toys you no longer play with or clothes you have grown out of, please bring them into school. Families at The Welcome Group would really appreciate and generous donations.


Please bring any donations into school by Friday 15th March.


Thank you!




I hope you're having a great half term.

A few things to note this term:


  • Please wear PE kit to school on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please remember to bring swimming kit, towel, goggles etc. on Mondays too.
  • Maths and EBL homework will be handed out on Friday this term (due to swimming changing Monday's timetable- apologies for the change!), to be returned the following Friday.
  • Spellings will remain on a Friday.


Thank you! Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

Miss Meese :)

Happy New Year!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

A few things to note this term:


  • Please wear PE kit to school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
  • Maths and EBL homework will be handed out on Monday this term, to be returned the following Monday.
  • Spellings will remain on a Friday.


Thank you! Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

Miss Meese :)









KS1 Nativity Pre Order Instructions - £14.99 on a USB

Actions for Advent

We are preparing for the Birth of Jesus, through our prayers and our actions.

For our 'joy' action , we would like to give a gift to you! Come and join us in the playground at 3pm on Wednesday 13th December where we will perform some of our Nativity Songs for you - hopefully we will bring a smile to your face and sharing some Christmas joy! 






Year 2 have started using our school library every Wednesday!

When your child brings a book home, they can keep it for 3 weeks. They then need to return the book and can take out a new one.


Our first group of Y2 children got their library books today. Another group will go next week and then the final group the week after before we start again. 


Happy reading :) 






On Friday 17th November, we are celebrating community language day in school! Our focus country is France. Please wear your own clothes in the colour of the country's flag.

Thank you!







Autumn 2 Update

  • PE Days: Wednesday & Thursday. Children can come to school in PE kit both days.
  • Homework: Maths & EBL on Tuesday and spellings on Friday. Please read your reading book to an adult as much as possible.
  • Please practise you Nativity lines at home! We will be practising in school from this week.


I look forward to seeing you tomorrow! Miss Meese x







Please use this link to help dictate spellings if needed :) 

Good afternoon


There will be no EBL homework tomorrow as I am hoping to take the children on the rearranged history walk of Halesowen on Tuesday 10th October.


If any parent volunteers would like to accompany us, please let a member of Y2 staff know. We plan to leave school at 1:20.


Thank you!



I hope you are having a fantastic summer. 

The Y2 Welcome to Class Meeting will be on Wednesday 6th September at 14:30 - 15:00.

This meeting for Y2 parents will take place in the Phiz Lab and will be a chance for us to meet and share the expectations of being in Y2 as well as all the amazing things that are planned for the year ahead.

 I will be at the Phiz Lab door on the above date and time to greet you and sign you in. I can't wait to meet you!

Miss Meese :)
