Coping with Grief and Bereavement
To help you through this difficult time, we have information and practical advice on coping with grief and bereavement. If you are grieving after a bereavement, supporting someone else or helping a child or young person coping with grief, you are not alone. Our expert information and advice can help you or someone close to you cope with grief and deal with the practical issues after someone has died.
See the links below...
When someone dies, it can be hard to know what to say to those who were close to them. While each bereaved person’s experience will be different, these tips will give you ideas for how to help them feel heard and supported through their grief.
Winston's Wish is a charity which supports bereaved children. Please follow the link for more help and support:
Please have a look at the below link. This has been created to support parents and carers with concerns about your child's mental health