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Year 1 were so reverent during our ‘Way of the Cross’ prayer service during Holy Week. They learned about what happened on Good Friday - the day that Jesus died and we journeyed with him to the cross! 


It was lovely to see so many parents at our Key Stage 1 Easter Bonnet Parade! The rain held off and it was great to get outside to show off all the wonderful creations. Everybody looked fabulous! 

Year 1 Art Day.

What fabulous day we had being artists today! We looked at the work of an Abstract artist called Mark Rothko (1903-1970) who painted in blocks of colour on a huge canvas which he called a ‘colour field.’ He wanted the viewer to stand really close to the canvas and feel surrounded by the colours and notice how it made them feel. We created some Rothko style artwork using the mediums of paint and oil pastels.


We also listened to ‘The Colour Monster’ story by Anna Llenas and discussed how emotions are associated with different colours. Then, we created some artwork linked to the story.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Wishing all our mums and grandmas a wonderful day on Sunday. We have been busy making cards to show how special our mums are and how much we love and appreciate them!

We have been learning about the season of Spring in Science. We talked about the ‘signs of Spring’ to look out for outside and we made window green houses so we can observe how the seeds grow into plants.

Year 1 led mass about St Patrick today. Very well done to all our readers - such clear and confident voices! We are very proud of you all!

We celebrated World Book Day by sharing a book called ‘The Lion Inside’ by Rachel Bright. The message of the story is that we all have a lion and a mouse inside and we must try to be determined like mouse and find courage when faced with new or difficult situations.

In Science this week, we have been sorting objects using the properties of materials - flexible/stiff, rough/smooth or transparent/not transparent.

We celebrated ‘Women in Science Day’ by dressing up in science themed outfits and learning about the life and work of Mary Anning- a famous fossil hunter!

We are very proud of all our children for leading Mass so reverently and confidently this week! 

Art Day - we learned about the work of Piet Mondrian- a Dutch abstract artist. We enjoyed creating our own Mondrian style artwork. We also investigated mixing primary colours to make more colours.

During Solidarity and the Common Good CST Focus week Y1 have worked really hard! We have loved the story ‘That Fruit is Mine’ and really grasped the message of focusing on ‘ours’ (and not just our own!) We have worked together as a team to create our Year 1 class family art work; collected our own used toys to share with others and have focussed on the very special messages of showing love and friendship to all people in Jesus’ teaching in The Good Samaritan.

In Maths this week, we have been revisiting numbers up to 20. We were using tens frame to show how the number is made with a ‘full’ frame and some ones. We thought about different ways to arrange the counters to show the same number. Have a look at our work!
