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Y3 loved finding out more about the symbols of Baptism & why they are used in this sacrament. Some children were able to bring in pictures of their own special day to share with the class. 🙏🏾❤️💒

September is the month of the 7 sorrows of Our Lady. Y3 have been curious about the 7 sorrows & active to find out more about them. We sorted events in Mary’s life & wrote down what we would say at the sad events to make her feel happier.

Y3 were learning how to use the KS2 bibles to find the testaments & different books & stories, quickly!

Bible teaches us about our responsibilities. We are called to love and care for each other 🧡

Wow, Y2 had a fantastic time in our ‘Brilliant Beginning’ learning all about Mother Theresa for our new history topic- significant individuals

To start our work on Following Jesus Today, we looked at some of the key symbols of baptism in Y1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful an very precious white garments children.

Y5 have had a captivating morning exploring Sikhism at @GNGSmethwick during Multicultural Week! We’ve learnt so much & even sampled dishes from Sikhi culture. Thank you so much for having us! 🙏🏻

Staff & children have created some amazing Stations of the Cross around the whole of the school. Children will have the opportunity to journey with Jesus to the Cross, as they walk the Stations and offer Prayers as they pause & reflect 🙏✝️🙏

Pre-School reenacted the fourth station of cross, where Jesus meets his Mother Mary 🙏💜🙏

In Holy Mass this morning, Fr Stefan blessed our new class Saints! St Peter, St Paul & St Francis of Assisi. The liturgy leaders from Y6, presented the classes with their new Saints for their class altars. 🙏💜🙏


    Learning and Growing as the People of God



    The schools of the Archdiocese of Birmingham use the Diocese’s own curriculum strategy from Foundation (Nursery) to Year 6 called ‘Learning & Growing as the People of God.’ (often referred to as the Strategy).

    The Strategy was written using the Learning Outcomes provided in the Bishops’ Conference document the Curriculum Directory as a basis. Rather than produce a lesson by lesson scheme of work the Strategy provides teachers with a range of suggested cross-curricula activities which they can use and adapt to suit the needs of the learners in their class in order that their children achieve the learning outcomes. This flexibility also allows teachers to incorporate their own ideas, creativity and imagination into the delivery of the Strategy.

    The Strategy is divided into a number of units, usually 12, which cover four main areas of study. It is through the construction of a spiral curriculum that children’s knowledge and understanding is developed.
    The children learn about the Liturgical Seasons of the Church’s year. They find out about the significance of each season, its particular signs and symbols and the different liturgies celebrated in each season.

    The children also study both Old Testament and New Testament Scripture in order to give them familiarity and knowledge of Scripture as well as allowing them to explore and understand how our Catholic beliefs are rooted in what Scripture reveals to us.

    There is a strong Sacramental focus in each year group. In particular the content of the Y3 and Y6 books fully prepares the children to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in Y3 and Confirmation in Y6. As part of the strategy the children learn about what it is to live as Christians today, how the Church is organised from global to parish level and also the opportunities which exist for them to participate in the life of the Church. A key element to each unit is the opportunity to link the learning with opportunities for prayer and reflection. Learning & Growing as People of God!
