October Half Term Learning
I hope you are all having a lovely half term. Here on this page you can find out what work needs to be completed over the half term.
After half term we will be practising ready for our Nativity performance! Over half term can you learn your lines off by heart so that we are ready to start putting it together as soon as we come back. It's going to be a very exciting performance!
You were all sent home with some maths homework to complete over half term. Please can you complete this for the first Monday back. If you would like to do anything extra you can go on Numbots (logins are on the inside of the front cover of your reading record). You may also want to practise counting in 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's. See if you can teach your parents the 2's and 3's song we have been doing in class.
Mrs Nixon gave everybody a Remembrance poppy art pack to complete over half term. All of the instructions are in the pack. We can't wait to see your creations!
Please practise your speed sounds over half term. The videos below is really useful and if you are doing it with your parents maybe you could challenge yourself further by telling your parents the rhymes that go with the sound! There is also a video for you to practise alien words. Please keep reading to an adult over half term.