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Friday 10th March 2023 - Snow Day



Enjoy the snow today! Build a snowman, go sledging, have a snowball fight, go on a snowy walk.

I would love to see all of your photos. Please email them to Mrs Mitchell and I will upload them to this page so we can see all the fun you have been having! There are activities below that you can complete as well.




Today's sound is 'ew' - chew the stew. Have a look at the Power Point with some real and fake 'ew' words. Do you know which ones are 'alien words?'





Can you spot all the 'ew' words in this postcard? Use a crayon or coloured pencil to find them.

This is a really good website for practising blending sounds in words. Have a look!



This week we have been focussing on counting by grouping in tens. Have a look at this game which helps you to practise counting in 10's.

We also have been looking at using Base 10 to represent 2 digit numbers. By counting the tens first and then the ones. Have a look at this game for practising this skill.

Below you will find a list of on going skills that children can practise whilst at home. Following each skill, you will find some activity ideas and online resources for the children to use. 

Handwriting/Letter Formation

  • Children can practise forming their letters (and numbers) correctly by writing them in the mud, flour or anything else you can think of! They can also practise their handwriting by copying out passages from their favourite story or poem. 
  • There are some downloadable resources below to support your child with their handwriting and letter formation. 
  • Handwriting Heroes have some brilliant videos to teach children how to correctly form their letters. 

You could try 'Thumb Numbers' to help with number formation.


Thumb Numbers
Handwriting Heroes



    Basic Number Skills

    - By the end of Year 1, children need to be fluent in their number bonds to 10 and 20. This means they need to be able to confidently recall which numbers add together to make each number. 

    Hit the button is a brilliant resource to help children develop this skill. Children in Year 1 will benefit from practising the following skills: 

    - Number bonds - Up to 10 (Make 10, Addition Within 10, Missing Numbers (+ and -)

    - Number bonds - Up to 20 (Make 20, Addition Within 20, Subtraction within 20, U+U+U)

    - Doubles - to 10, from 5-15, from 10-20. 

    - Halves - to 10, from 5-15, from 10-20. 

    Hit the Button.


      It is really important that all children continue to read every day. Oxford Owl has a wonderful selection of ebooks for the children to read from home. Please use the following log in details to access them. 

      Username: year1olsk

      Password: 1234


      Oxford Owl


      It is good for children to practise reading the 'speed sounds' daily at home. The 'Phonics Speed Sounds' document below contains a table that children use in school to practise reading each of the sounds they have learnt in Read Write Inc. 

      There are also two documents containing lists of words for the children to practise reading. 


      Red Words - These are words that children CAN NOT sound out, and just need to learn to recognise. 

      Green Words - These are words that children should be able to sound out using the phonics sounds they have learnt in Read Write Inc (on the speed sounds chart).

      The documents below are additional resources for you to use to support your child in reading. 

