Family & Community- What Unites our Kingdom?
Our question for this half term ‘What unites our Kingdom?’ will be explored through the Catholic Social Teaching lens of Family and Community across the curriculum.
In BTK (Building the Kingdom) we will explore this through being geographers. We will be building on our prior learning from Reception Class to deepen our following geography skills: Name, locate and identify characteristics of the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas; understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom; use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to physical and human features; use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the United Kingdom and its countries.
We will be studying the four countries of the United Kingdom, with our question at the forefront of our minds. We will explore each country in turn, naming the capital cities and key physical and human features found in each place and what unites all of these places.
The children will use all of this knowledge at the end of the unit to label a map of the UK countries, cities, sea and key landmarks independently.
Children will also be encouraged to share their own ideas or experiences throughout this, allowing them to build curious minds. Throughout this study we will be continually building upon our skills and knowledge. Therefore, our ‘golden nuggets’ of knowledge will be embedded in our long-term memories!