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At OLSK, we all want our students to get an outstanding education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day.


Missing school can have a major impact on a child’s future – a child missing one day a fortnight will miss four full weeks by the end of the year! By Year 10 they’ll have missed more than a year of school.


There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes.


Coming to school every day, for the whole day, is vital. If your child must miss school, speak with your classroom teacher as early as possible.


Parents can be fined for not sending students to school without an acceptable reason. If you’re having attendance issues with your child, please let your classroom teacher know so we can work together to get your child to school every day. 


Primary Offer

  • 100% and other attendance and punctuality rewards
  • Attendance Focus Week for whole school
  • Attendance data is monitored by assigned staff (Head Teacher, School Attendance Officer- Mrs Hughes)
  • Attendance Data analysed and compared with national statistics
  • Rigorous updated Attendance and Punctuality Policy in line with current DFE documentation
  • Regular reporting to Governors about attendance
  • ‘Lates’ letters home treated as a measure of disadvantage
  • Letters home at 95% attendance, followed up by warning letters
  • SENCO/Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher work with families around attendance and punctuality concerns
  • Meetings with HT and parents who wish to take a leave of absence
  • Rigorous documentation for leave of absence requests
  • Regular parent leaflets and promotion of what good attendance looks like
  • Termly reporting to parents regarding their child’s attendance and punctuality
  • 'Support First' to attendance followed for case management and  prosecution if required
  • First day calling
  • Home visits for attendance concerns requiring investigation
  • Monitoring groups in high mobility or absence requests
  • School nursing service referrals for medical conditions that affect attendance.
  • Statistics for attendance and punctuality reported and celebrated in the fortnightly school newsletter
