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Yummy Christmas dinner!

Making our own rain gauges, I wonder if we will collect any overnight? We will check tomorrow!

Advent retreat day 🙏

Exploring minibeasts and micro habitats in forest school

Je voudrais un croissant s’il vous plaît! Cafe Kenelm in Y2! 🇫🇷 ☕️

Community language day! Y2 are so excited to begin their French learning with Madame Brandrick! 🇫🇷

Continuing with gymnastic in Y2- practising balancing on benches

Investigating living things and their habitat in forest school!

Y2 learned so much on their history walk into Halesowen yesterday. it was interesting to see how our high street has changed over time, but also som things that have stayed the same! Thank you to our parents who came along. #familyandcommunity

Y2 were so lucky to welcome grandparents into our history learning yesterday, to tell us about their jobs in the past! #familyandcommunity

Acting out the story of David and Goliath

Learning about timers in coding!

Year 2 have loved writing a class psalm today all together!

Wow! VR for our brilliant beginning

Year 2 enjoyed learning about algorithms in computing today!

Year 2 enjoying their first PE lesson with Mr Softly!

Year 2 have loved learning about Mother Teresa, our class Saint, today on her feast day!
