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Our Focused Stories

We are focusing on the value of three so we shared these stories which contain “ 3 Bears” and “3 Billy Goats” The children thoroughly enjoyed them.Can they remember any part of the story and retell it to your grown up?

We have shared this story as it links to Science Week and we are exploring “ Space” Can the children recall what did Baby Bear use to make his rocket? What did he take to the moon with him ? Who did he meet on the way?

We are throughly enjoying this weeks story we have created our own story sack and acted it out. The children are great at remembering the sequence of events. Can they retell the story to their grownup?

We have shared this story linked to our Catholic Social Teaching “ Building the Kingdom “

These are our Focused Stories which we are currently enjoying at the moment in Pre School. Can you remember anything from the stories to share with your family? Can you remember any of the colours in our jars and what emotion they represent? Talk to your family about what makes you happy 😊, and what makes you sad 😔. When we share the Elmer story we were thinking about how wonderful it is that we are ALL different yet God loves us ALL the same.
