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Our Summer Learning Journey

We shared a day of “ Retreat” as a whole school - our focus was prayer “ The Our Father “ we really unpicked the words and discussed its meaning. We made bread - linked “ To Our Daily Bread “ and recapped its meaning. We explored the paints and our prayer hands - linked to our hymn “ Jesus you can use my hands” We listened to a Bible Story in the peace garden and sang an variety of active hymns throughout the day. We even went outside to lie down and look up to the sky , stop, take notice - think and talk about Heaven

Class Worship and RE lesson - We shared the Bible Story “ The Good Shepherd “ the children were able to discuss the emotions of the shepherd and the lost sheep - and put themselves in their shoes . It really helped to provide sheep costumes for them to literally get into character 😊

We have been talking about time linked to our focus story “ All through the night” the children were surprised to learn that while they sleep at night time some people are working. We discussed nocturnal animals and learnt some new names. We made some clocks with moveable hands and talked about the different times of days. Also for our maths focus we explored 2D shapes and patterns.

We have many opportunities to interact with our peers both inside and outside - this enables us to develop our speaking and listening, to share our thoughts and ideas with each other. We are learning how to cooperate with each other, turn take , share resources and consider other people feelings.

Physical Development- look at the many ways we practice and develop our fine motor skills. We enjoy writing, painting, cutting, and exploring containers in the sand and water.

Physical Development- the children were so excited to have the opportunity to use the Adventure Playground. They practiced their gross motor skills by climbing, crawling, balancing, swinging and negotiating safe spaces. Some children used their imagination to pretend they were looking after dinosaur eggs they discussed where they should put them to sleep, and they made safe habitats for them.

The children were great Eco Warriors as they noticed many changes in Forest School. They loved exploring the muddy puddles, wet long grass and squelchy mud.

The children loved exploring the soil and finding and counting the hidden beans 🫘 We have been discussing the importance of taking care of all Gods living things such as creatures and plants. The children were excited to plant some potatoes first we had to store them in the dark then we had to bury them deep into a bag of soil and water them regularly.
