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Our Summer Learning Journey

Look at our music 🎵 session exploring the guitar 🎸, the kalimba, the cajon and the accordion 🪗 ( Real instruments all children could try) This is linked to our Expressive Arts and Design learning.

We learnt about special Celebrations which take place in a church such as Baptism, Holy Communion and Weddings. We discussed why two people get married they suggested because they love each other and want to take care of each other. How it is time to Rejoice and Celebrate with family and friends.

Personal,social and emotional development- We love ❤️ playing together “ Sharing, Caring “ is what we do every day at Pre School.

Physical Development is key in the Early Years look at the different opportunities available to us. PE coach once a week, bikes, scooters, bats available daily.

Our focus was about “ Home” 🏠 what does that look like ? How does home make the children feel? Tell about your home. The children used words such as love, safe, warmth, calm, hugs, laughter, family. We explored an artist whose work was linked to patchwork quilts so each child decorated a square and super clever Mrs Pugh used a sewing machine to piece them together. This wonderful work of art was for our Art Exhibition “ Rights and Responsibilities “

To launch us into our new topic “ Who is responsible for the animals?” - linked to our Catholic Social Teaching Rights and Responsibilities the VR gentlemen came into school. Wow the children were AMAZED with the animals they saw. It was a great talking tool when they returned to pre school lots of rich language and new vocabulary shared.

Lovely Mrs Morris our Forest School lead informed us that it was “ Bug Hotel” day which was great because it links beautifully to our topic “ Rights and Responsibilities.” We are exploring who is responsible for the animals around the world and in our gardens. With this in mind we enjoyed working with Reception to create habitats for the animals. We used leaves,sticks and stones.

Our focus in RE is all about “ Gods Family “ All the children can give thanks for someone who cares for them, and beginning to know that Sunday is an important day. The children arrived to pre school and it was set up like a church we had an alter, lectern, pews, Bible, communion bells. We talked about what else they would see in church we talked about statues then we went on a “ Statue Hunt” around school. During continuous provision the children painted stained glass windows , built churches using 3D shapes, and played a matching game using the new vocabulary learnt in the lesson.

Expressive Arts and Design/ fine motor skills. Linked to our focus stories “ Rumble in the Jungle” and “ Giraffes can’t Dance” the children painted their favourite animal.

Mathematical Development- whereby the children explored patterns and numbers.

We love having visitors into Pre school and when a group of Fire Fighters came with their fire engine we were overjoyed. The children listened attentively to the safety talk and asked some questions. Then they got the opportunity to see the fire engine and explore some of the equipment they use - we even got a chance to use the fire hose. Again an experience the children will never forget. 😊

The children were so excited when the Builders came to visit they bought their digger and dumper truck. They first watched a demonstration and then they got a chance to pretend to builders and sat in the vehicles. Fantastic opportunities for the Foundation stage children.

Fr J and his assistant Millie came to see me this afternoon to celebrate all their learning! ❤️ Jonathon’s parents made his vestments for when he’s saying ‘Mass’ at home & Millie wants to be a Mini Vinnie! How fabulous!🙏❤️🙏

Our focus story is “ The Jolly Postman” the children enjoyed sharing the letters and meeting the different characters as we read the story together. The children are writing cards, postcards, shopping lists and taking them to our post office role play to buy a stamp and post it in our post box. The children are beginning to talk about where they live, understand the journey of a letter, beginning to use mathematical language linked to weight “ heavy light” when exploring parcels in the Role Play Area.

During our PE session the coach is focusing on team games and skills. The children have been praised for their excellent listening skills and ability to follow instructions.

The Caritas Ambassadors came to visit and talk to us about Vocations “ What is God calling them to be?” Our children were an amazing audience, they listened attentively and answered questions appropriately. The session was very engaging and we ended with one of our favourite hymns “ Shine Jesus Shine”

Physical Development is one of our prime areas of learning - look at the many ways we develop these skills.

Thank you God for sending the sunshine we were able to share a Bible Story in the peace garden, have snack in our outdoor classroom and spent all day outside.

Expressive Arts and Design linked to our RE learning and understanding the world- planting our hanging baskets as we learnt about new life and growth.

The children learnt that the month of May is to celebrate and honour “ Our Mother Mary” known as the “ Queen of May” With this in mind the children made crowns, flowers 🌷 and bought pictures into to pre school of their own Mothers to talk about why they love them.

All children have been engaged in our focus book “ Zog and the Flying Doctors “ they have enjoyed getting into the various characters and acting out the key events of the story. Some children built castles using the 3D shapes and even created dragons using split pins ( great for their fine motor skills)

We shared a day of “ Retreat” as a whole school - our focus was prayer “ The Our Father “ we really unpicked the words and discussed its meaning. We made bread - linked “ To Our Daily Bread “ and recapped its meaning. We explored the paints and our prayer hands - linked to our hymn “ Jesus you can use my hands” We listened to a Bible Story in the peace garden and sang an variety of active hymns throughout the day. We even went outside to lie down and look up to the sky , stop, take notice - think and talk about Heaven

Class Worship and RE lesson - We shared the Bible Story “ The Good Shepherd “ the children were able to discuss the emotions of the shepherd and the lost sheep - and put themselves in their shoes . It really helped to provide sheep costumes for them to literally get into character 😊

We have been talking about time linked to our focus story “ All through the night” the children were surprised to learn that while they sleep at night time some people are working. We discussed nocturnal animals and learnt some new names. We made some clocks with moveable hands and talked about the different times of days. Also for our maths focus we explored 2D shapes and patterns.

We have many opportunities to interact with our peers both inside and outside - this enables us to develop our speaking and listening, to share our thoughts and ideas with each other. We are learning how to cooperate with each other, turn take , share resources and consider other people feelings.

Physical Development- look at the many ways we practice and develop our fine motor skills. We enjoy writing, painting, cutting, and exploring containers in the sand and water.

Physical Development- the children were so excited to have the opportunity to use the Adventure Playground. They practiced their gross motor skills by climbing, crawling, balancing, swinging and negotiating safe spaces. Some children used their imagination to pretend they were looking after dinosaur eggs they discussed where they should put them to sleep, and they made safe habitats for them.

The children were great Eco Warriors as they noticed many changes in Forest School. They loved exploring the muddy puddles, wet long grass and squelchy mud.

The children loved exploring the soil and finding and counting the hidden beans 🫘 We have been discussing the importance of taking care of all Gods living things such as creatures and plants. The children were excited to plant some potatoes first we had to store them in the dark then we had to bury them deep into a bag of soil and water them regularly.
