'Our school feels like a house under which we have a family held together by our multiple beliefs and the bonds between each other and this makes me feel included in our community in and out of school'
'It makes me feel comfortable and very welcoming'
'It makes me feel safe and happy.'
'This school makes me feel joyful and happy because of the kind community it has'
'This school makes me feel safe because there are lots of teachers that support you through the whole of your journey. I also feel happy because we do lots of fun things to do all of the time.'
'Excited because I'm always happy to get ready and come to school'
'OLSK made me feel safe and happy because if all the support you get and how nice is everyone is.'
'It feels like home and my classmates feel like family'
'Our school is a wonderful place and is a special school like no other so enjoy it, it makes me feel loved, protected and happy because there is so many teachers that care about you and make sure that you are safe and protected.'
'To me school feels welcome , when I stepped though that door on my first day everyone was welcome to all years and so I feel safe when I come to school'
'Our school make me feel safe and also it make me feel happy as I feel like I been here for forever'
'Our school is a happy and safe school with loads of kind and caring teachers welcoming you every morning. It makes me feel safe and happy because all the teachers look after us and care about us .'
'It’s a place of worship and friendships . It makes me feel included and as a family who we all care for each other.'
'Our school is very easy to get used to as it is the perfect size for littler children in the younger years when I joined reception I was a bit nervous but my teachers where very welcoming and I got a lot less anxious.'