Using role play to act out the special family celebration of Baptism 🙏🏻
Catholics believe that every human life is sacred and should be respected from conception until natural death. We also believe that human life is inherently social, and that how we relate to each other in society impacts human dignity and our ability to grow in community. Marriage and family are foundational communities of society.
In the Acts of the Apostles, St. Paul describes what community looks like:
'Disciples of Christ shared their food and possessions to make sure the neediest among them were taken care of.' (Acts 2:42–47).
These members of the early Church model a society in which all members of a community care for one another.
Year three have had so much fun learning all about Italy and their language today! We have made pizzas, learnt about the different greetings and culture and we were lucky enough to have Arianna’s family speak to us about their own Italian culture! 🇮🇹 🍕
Year three created amazing projects for their project day. They explored the question of ‘Does it matter where we come from?’ by taking a geographical approach. Well done Year Three!
Year 3 are exploring the school website to help them construct their own information texts about our school.
Year three are using atlases to explore the landscape of the UK. We explored the question of does the landscape affect communities?
Year 3 have been making PowerPoints based on their school community. They have built on their valuable ICT and presenting skills. 💻
Discipleship in Action!
Pope Francis talks about service and charity: “Love and charity, are service, helping others, serving others. There are people who spend their lives in this way, in the service of others.When you forget yourself and think of others, this is love!
As part of our Catholic Social Teaching, all staff are volunteering at the Halesowen Welcome Group; supporting those less fortunate than ourselves. We are extremely proud to be called by God to serve others, especially at this time of the year, when families are really struggling financially and refugees, are in need of our love and support. 🙏💕🙏
One family, one Catholic Community!
Thank you to all our children in in Y6, for leading us in Remembrance Mass in church this morning! You are a credit to your parents & great ambassadors for our school. 🙏💙🙏 Look at all the wonderful Remembrance Art, that the children created to dress the Altar this morning- amazingly talented children. 🎨🖌️Well done Mr Hyde & Mrs P, for preparing the children so well. Thank you to all our families who joined us for this special Mass! 💙 It was so wonderful to see you all 💕