Did you know that registering for Pupil Premium means that your child’s school could get extra money?
Pupil Premium is additional funding that the Government gives to mainstream and special schools in England to help children from low income families. The Pupil Premium Grant must be spent to help eligible pupils reach their full potential, both academically and socially, and the school will decide how best to spend this.
Who is eligible for Pupil Premium?
Pupil premium is allocated to pupils from low income families and the eligibility check is identical to the Free School Meals eligibility check. Qualifying benefits are as follows:
How do I apply for Pupil Premium?
If you have submitted your date of birth and your National Insurance number on your child's admission form the school will automatically check for eligibility via a secure portal. This is updated throughout the year. There is a link to the Pupil Premium Application Form below.
As always, if you have any further questions or queries regarding Pupil Premium, please speak to either Mrs Jones in the School Office or Mrs Finnegan.
There are also Premiums available to children of Forces Families and Looked After Children. Please let us know if this may apply to your child.