'I will miss the friends I have made who are attending other high schools but I hope we will stay in touch'
'The teacher, golden time, Father Stefan, the people and Elma'
'All the people and most importantly Mr Hyde, Mrs P, and my class mates.'
'My friends and my teachers'
'I will miss the memories and my friends I will miss some teachers that I have grown up with.'
'I will miss all of the teachers.'
'EVERYTHING and how much the teachers help you and how kind they are.'
'I will miss all my friends on my teachers, the actual school building and how amazing and enthusiastic the school children are.'
'All of my friends going to other schools and some of the teachers. Also all the good memories I have made at OLSK.'
'I will miss all my friends from our classes and in different classes. All the staff since they are really hopeful and kind'
'The fun lessons and memories I have made'
'All of my friends that I have known for so long'
'I will miss everything because I love this school.'
'I will miss all the pupils and the great teachers that make my day .'