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Sacramental Preparation

The Blessed Sacraments 

The church is all decorated for our second celebration of the day, Y6 Confirmation! With Bishop David unfortunately being ill, Father Stefan is very excited to have been given special permission to bestow this sacrament on our Y6 children!

Year Three had their First Holy Communion celebration Mass in school this morning. We are so incredibly proud of all the children! Their faith has shone through

What a wonderful day we have had with Emily from @danlifemusic! We have enjoyed times of prayer, learnt lots about the Holy Spirit and had so much fun!

Y6 started their afternoon retreat with Emily by reading the affirmations that their classmates had written before lunch. What an inspiring bunch of children we have & what lovely things they wrote about each other! ❤️🥰

Congratulations to Year Three who made their First Holy Communion yesterday. We are very proud of you all 🙏🏻

Year Three made unleavened bread today as part of their sacramental preparation to receive First Holy Communion on Saturday!

It was great to welcome Y6 parents for a Confirmation workshop yesterday! We had a lovely time learning all about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit!

Y6 are learning all about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit! We are researching Bible scriptures that teach us about why they are important!

Year Three are having a wonderful First Holy Communion Retreat day with Dan @danonelifemusic We have reflected upon the important words from The Last Supper and have given thanks to God. Thank you Dan, we are having such a spiritual day 🙏🏻

Children have the opportunity to receive three sacraments during their time at Our Lady & St Kenelm School.


The preparation for each sacrament takes place during religious education lessons and there are also meetings between school, parents and the parish priest.


Sacrament of Reconciliation


This is usually received by Year 3 children during Autumn Term, before Advent.

The children learn the Act of Contrition:


Oh my God

I thank you for loving me

I am sorry for all my sins

For not loving others and not loving you.

Help me to live like Jesus and not sin again.



The ceremony takes place on a Saturday in the parish church during a prayer reconciliation service, where the children are presented to the priest by their family.


Holy Baptism


Sacrament of the Eucharist (First Holy Communion)


This is usually received by Year 3 children after May half term, having received the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent.


The whole class join in a celebration of their sacrament with the parish community the First Holy Communion mass, held at Our Lady & St Kenelm Parish Church. It is followed by a Communion breakfast in the School Hall, the week after. 


Catholic boys wear a suits with a white shirt and buy a red sash and a red tie embroidered with the year (details about ordering will be given out at meetings).  


Catholic girls wear a white communion dress. Girls should avoid wearing gloves or having anything to carry during the mass e.g. bags, parasols etc.


We are an inclusive school and encourage all non-catholic children to join in for preparation as well as attend the mass on the First Communion Mass. 


Non-Catholic boys can wear a suit and a tie of their own choice. 


Non-Catholic Girls can wear a party dress of any colour. 


At the First Holy Communion Mass, these children will receive a blessing from Father.


On the Thursday School Mass after Communion, the children are encouraged to re-wear their communion clothes to celebrate their Mass of Thanksgiving in the School Hall with the rest of the school family.




Sacrament of Confirmation


This Sacrament is made in Year 6, usually during July. (The date is confirmed by the office of the Archbishop during the academic year that the ceremony is due to take place.)


The Mass for the Sacrament takes place in Our Lady & St Kenelm Parish Church.


Preparation is undertaken primarily by the class teacher, aided by the RE Lead. The children begin their preparation with a Mass of Commitment at the Parish Church. 


