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Writer of the Week! πŸ“

18.11.22 - Penny, for her wonderful rhyming couplet poem! πŸ’•

11.11.22 - Derin, for her excellent poem in Literacy! πŸ’•

4.11.22 - Bella, for her wonderful writing in RE sacrament of Reconciliation! πŸ’•

14.10.22 - Callum, for adding ambitious vocabulary within his EBL long write this week. Super! πŸ’•

7.10.22 - Lily P, for the wonderful persuasive letter she wrote during Catholic Social Teaching Week :Stewardship of God's creation! πŸ’•

30.09.22 - Lochlan, for his mind blowing dilemma story, using direct speech! πŸ’•

23.09.22 - Nancy, for her stunning handwriting and use of adjectives to describe her nouns! πŸ’•
