Hello Summer!
Welcome back everyone after the Easter break! We hope you all had a great holiday and a blessed Easter! Here we are again at the start of a new term, looking forward to all the exciting learning that is going to take place. Please see our curriculum page for our half termly overview, and see below for all other information.
PE - PE sessions for Reception class will now be taking place on Tuesdays only. Please send your child in their PE kit on this day. This will return to a Wednesday after the half term holiday.
Reading Books - We are so very grateful for your continued support with your child's reading at home. It truly makes a difference to the rate at which they make progress! Please continue to read with your child everyday. In their reading diaries, please write 'Read 1, 2 or 3' next to the date so that we can see that they are consolidating their skills. Thank you.
Mrs O and Miss B
Reading Books
Your child has been sent home with a reading book and their reading diary. This will be changed each Monday and Thursday. It’s important that children read daily with an adult this gives them the opportunity to become familiar with the story and be able to read it fluently, ensuring they can remember what they have read. For more tips on developing your child’s reading ability please click the link below.