Updates for the final week of term
Please see below info for the week ahead.
We look forward to spending the last week with you!
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Birmingham Library Trip- 2.07.24
We are looking forward to taking the children to Birmingham Library on Tuesday 2nd July 2024. We will be leaving school around 10am and will be back in time for the end of the school day. Please ensure your child is in school uniform and brings a packed lunch with them. The children will have to carry their lunches and drinks so I would recommend sending your child with a backpack for ease of carrying their belongings. Please ensure your child has a hat with them in case it is sunny and a waterproof coat in case it rains.
The year three team are looking forward to taking you to explore lots of exciting books 📚
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Information for week commencing 17.06.24
Please see info below for what is happening this week.
Monday and Wednesday: PE kits as usual.
Thursday: FHC Celebration Mass- Children to come to school dressed in their FHC clothes. Please bring school uniform in a bag. Please ensure you send your child in with a suitable bag to put their FHC clothes into after. Children who did not make their FHC are invited to wear smart party clothes as they will be a part of our celebration. If your child had a reading they will be doing it again in this Mass. Please keep practising with your child. Parents, carers, grandparents are welcome to join us for this celebration.
Maths and Literacy homework will be due in on Thursday for this week as we are on our trip on Friday.
Friday: Trip to Black Country Museum- Children to arrive at school for normal time in school uniform. The weather at the moment is meant to be warm and dry but please prepare for all eventualities! Please send your child with a hat, sun cream and a raincoat. We would appreciate it if you could apply sun cream to your child before they arrive at school. Your child will need a packed lunch and plenty of drinks. Please remember to pack a break time snack for your child. I would suggest sending your child with a small backpack that will fit their lunch in on this day as your child will have to carry their belongings all day. Your child may bring some money for the gift/sweet shop. This must be no more than £5 and your child is responsible for their own money. I would suggest putting the money is a small purse/wallet or envelope.
We have got another busy but exciting week ahead of us!
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Updates for Summer 2
I hope you have all had a wonderful half term with your families. We have a very exciting and busy half term ahead of us!
EBL homework will continue to be due in on a Monday. First research question will be going home your child on the first day back.
Homework and spellings will continue to be due in for a Friday.
PE will continue to be on a Monday and a Wednesday. (Just Wednesday for the first week back)
Please see below important dates and info for the term ahead.
Tuesday 4th June- FHC Retreat Day with Dan Callow from One Life Music
Thursday 6th June- Y3 cooking (please send your child to school with an old t-shirt/apron)
Saturday 8th June- FHC in Church at 12 noon
Wednesday 12th June- Sports Day
Friday 14th June- Class photos
Thursday 20th June- Y3 FHC Celebration Mass in school (Children to come dressed in FHC clothes to school and bring uniform with them)
Friday 21st June- Y3 Trip to The Black Country Museum (info to follow)
Tuesday 2nd July- Y3 to Birmingham Library (info to follow)
Thursday 4th July- KS2 Bingo night
Thursday 18th July- Summer Ball
We look forward to welcoming you back to school for our final half term together on Tuesday 4th June!
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Trip to Singers Hill Synagogue
Please read the information about our trip to the Synagogue.
Please send your child in school uniform and with a hat and raincoat. We will not be back at school in time for dinners, please ensure you send your child with a packed lunch and in a bag that is easy for your child to carry (a small backpack etc.). Your child will also need a drinks bottle. We will be leaving at 8.45 at the latest. I will open the door at 8.30am tomorrow for children to come in earlier.
We are really looking forward to the trip!
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Homework due date for next week
Due to the timetable for next week this weeks homework and spellings that will go out on the 10/05/24 will be due in for 16/05/24 (the Thursday). The children will also have their spelling test on the 16/05/24.
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
FHC Uniform for boys
Parents have been sent a text with instructions on how to purchase an undated red tie and red sash for the First Holy Communion. Boys will wear their own suit with this.
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Change of date for First Holy Communion Workshop
The date of the First Holy Communion workshop had changed to Monday 20th May 2024 at 9am in the hall. Parents/Grandparents/Carers are welcome to attend.
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Celebration photos
As part of our Eucharist unit in RE we are exploring family celebrations and the celebration of Mass. Please send your child in with a photo at a family celebration on Thursday 11th April 2024 so we can explore the different ways in which families celebrate. These photos will be returned on the day.
Many Thanks
Miss Carey
Updates for Summer 1
I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break. Please see below important dates and updates for Spring 2.
EBL will now continue to be on a Monday. All EBL homework will be given out on a Monday and should be completed for the following Monday. A new EBL question will be sent home with your child on the first day back to school.
PE will continue to be on Monday's and Wednesday's. Please send your child in PE kit on these days.
Maths, literacy and spellings will continue to be due in on a Friday.
Please see below important dates for the term ahead:
Friday 12th April: Non-Uniform Day for Higaonon tree fundraising
Thursday 18th April: KS2 Disco
Friday 26th April: Non-Uniform Superhero Day for Birmingham Children's Hospital
Thursday 2nd May: Year Three leading school Mass (May procession)
Friday 17th May: Non-Uniform for Pyjamarama Day
Monday 20th May: First Holy Communion Workshop
Tuesday 21st May: Y3 Trip to Singers Hill Synagogue
Wednesday 22nd May: First Holy Communion Meeting in Church
I look forward to welcoming you back to school next week!
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Updated Project Day Date
Due to Year Three being at Stations of the Cross in Church on the 14th March our Project Day date has changed to Friday 15th March 2024. Parents/carers will be welcome to look at the projects at 2.40pm on this day.
Many Thanks,
Miss Carey :)
Dates for Spring 2
I hope you have all had a lovely half term. Please see below important dates and updates for Spring 2.
EBL will now be on a Monday. All EBL homework will be given out on a Monday and should be completed for the following Monday. Please ignore the date on the homework that went out before half term. The first piece of EBL homework will now be due Monday 19th February 2024.
PE will be on Monday's and Wednesday's. Please send your child in PE kit on these days. Swimming has now finished for this year- swimming kits will no longer be required.
Important dates for the term ahead:
Monday 26th February: Y3 Reconciliation Workshop- 9am (letter went out before half term) Y3 Open afternoon- a chance for you to view your child's work ahead of Parent consultations.
Tuesday 27th February: Y3 Parent Consultation day (virtual)
Thursday 29th February: Year three leading mass in school please join us at 9am.
Friday 8th March: OLSK World Book Day celebrations
Sunday 10th March: Year three will be leading Mothers Day Mass in church at 10am.
Friday 15th March: Y3 Natural Disasters Project Day (see info on the Y3 class page)
Wednesday 20th March: Passion play at 9.15am and 2.15pm
Thursday 21st March: Wear purple for Whole School Lent Retreat Day
Friday 22nd March: Break up for Easter at 2.15pm
It is a very busy but exciting term as we journey through Lent and continue preparing for the children the receive the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Carey :)
Important- RSHE content in the coming weeks
The Life to the Full programme is based on the structure of ‘A Model Catholic RSE Curriculum’ by the Catholic Education Service. This model curriculum was highlighted as a work of good practice by the Department of Education so we therefore have confidence that the programme will be fit for purpose in supporting the growth and development of your child.
Life to the Full is much more than a series of lessons. It is an entire platform of creative resources that will engage, inform and inspire our children and, indeed, you as parents. This includes interactive video content, story-based activities, employing a wide range of teaching tools, original worship music and an accompanying programme of classroom prayers.
In addition, there will be an online parent platform so that you, as parent and carers, can engage with the teaching and deepen the experience for your child.
To access the online parent platform please visit: www.tentenresources.co.uk/parent-portal
As part of our subscription to "Life to the Full", all parents will be able to access the Online Parent Portal with the following login credentials:
Parent Portal https://www.tentenresources.co.uk/parent-portal/
Username ol-kenelm-b63
Password alton-towers
Life to the Full is intended to be partnership between home, school and church. We know that you already do a fantastic job and we see our new programme, Life to the Full, as a means to further develop, support and enrich the partnership between home, school and church so that your child is fully supported.
We will be exploring Life cycles as part of Unit 4. Life Cycles explores the miraculous nature of human conception and birth and offers an opportunity for thanksgiving. (Note that sexual intercourse is not discussed in this unit.) The children will be introduced to some of the key scientific terminology that surrounds conception. Death and life after death is further discussed, alongside the complexities of grief where children will consider ways to support themselves and others.
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Stone Age Costumes for Class Assembly
Our class assembly is on the 8th February 2024 at 2.30pm. Parents and carers are invited to join us to see what we have been working hard on. Children will be sent home with their lines to practise. Please can the children know their lines from memory by 22.01.24 as we will begin practising next week.
For the assembly we are asking children to provide their own Stone Age costumes. You can be as creative as you wish. You could make a Stone Age tunic (see image below) or alternatively your child can wear dark coloured bottoms and a brown top. You may want to cut a jagged edge on your brown top. Please can children wear black pumps (ideally) or trainers with their costume. Please can you send your child's costume into school by Friday 2nd February 2024 in a labelled bag.
Thank you for your continued support, it is greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks,
Miss Carey :)
Updated date for Sacramental Meeting (17.01.24)
Please see the letter below from Father Stefan for the updated date for the second sacramental meeting.
Many Thanks,
Miss Carey :)
Reconciliation Workshop- Monday 26th February
Parents/grandparents/carers are invited to Year three's Reconciliation Workshop at 9am on Monday 26th February 2024. This workshop is for the children and parents/carers to have valuable spiritual time together to prepare for the children to receive the sacrament for the first time.
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop. Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Carey :)
Bring in a packet of food for Science- 16.01.24
Please can you send your child in with an empty packet of food on Tuesday (16.01.24) as we will be analysing nutritional values as part of our science topic. We will need a range of foods from the following food groups: carbohydrates, protein, dairy, fats and fibre.
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Updates for Spring 1
Happy New Year to you all! I hope you all had a fantastic break with your families. Please see below some updates for the Spring term.
Homework- Maths, Literacy and Spellings will still be sent out on a Friday and expected in for the following Friday. There will be EBL homework this term which will be handed out every Wednesday and due in for the following Wednesday.
PE- Year three will continue to go swimming on Mondays up until February half term. Swimming recommences on Monday 15th January 2024. Year three's second PE slot will be on a Thursday. Please can children come to school in their PE kits on Mondays and Thursdays.
Mass- Year three will be leading KS2 in their first Mass of 2024 on Thursday 18th January 2024. Please feel free to join us at 9am in the hall.
Class Assembly- Our Year Three class assembly all about the Stone Age will be on Thursday 8th February 2024. Parents, Grandparents and carers are welcome to join us at 2.30pm in the hall. Readings will be given out on the first week back.
KS2 Theatre trip- A reminder that Year Three will be going on their theatre trip on Friday 9th February 2024.
Project Day- Year three's project day will be held in Spring 2 all about Natural Disasters. The date for our project day is Thursday 14th March 2024. More information to follow.
I look forward to welcoming you all back to school next week. Have a restful weekend!
Miss Carey :)
Week commencing- 13.11.23
Notices for this week:
Our second PE lesson will be held on Friday this week. As it is non-uniform can you please send your child in clothes that they can move in e.g joggers or leggings. Children are to come to school in uniform on Thursday.
Thank you,
Miss Carey :)
Community Language Day 2023
On Friday 17th November, we are celebrating community language day in school! Our focus country is Italy. Please wear your own clothes in the colour of the country's flag.
Thank you!
Autumn 2 updates
I hope you have all had a lovely and restful half term with your families. Please see a few updates below for the new half term.
Year three will continue to go swimming on Monday's. The last session for this half term will be on the 4th December 2023. Our second PE session will now be on a Thursday. Please can children come to school in PE kits on Mondays and Thursdays for this half term.
There will be no EBL topic this half term and therefore no research homework. Maths, Literacy and Spellings will be given out on a Friday and will be due in for the following Friday.
At the end of last half term the children wrote their 500 word story for the BBC competition. Please let Miss Carey know by Tuesday 7th November if you do not give permission for your child's story to be submitted for the BBC competition. The children worked incredibly hard on their stories and I am very proud of each and everyone of them.
Enjoy the rest of your time off!
Miss Carey :)
Year 3 Project Day
Children can dress in the colours of the UK country flags or anything blue/green for our project day. You may have a London top or football tops of UK cities may be worn. Children must come to school in PE kit as usual please. Children will need to bring their outfit in a bag and they will be allowed to get changed when we come back from swimming.
I cannot wait to see your amazing projects! Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Carey :)
Harvest Lines
Every child has been sent home with a line to learn for the Harvest Assembly. I would really appreciate it if your child could recite their line from memory by Friday (29.09.23). Children need to know their lines by Monday (2.10.23) at the latest.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Carey :)
School Mass and Commitment Mass
Please join us for our Year 3 led mass in school on Thursday 28th September 2023 at 9am. Children have been sent home with their readings to practise.
Our Commitment mass is at Our Lady and St Kenelm Church on Sunday 1st October 2023 at 10am. Please can all children wear school uniform for Mass on Sunday.
The readings for the Commitment Mass have been specified on your child’s reading.
Your child has been sent home with a date for your family to do the family offertory in church on a Sunday this year as part of their sacramental preparation.
I look forward to supporting your children on their sacramental journey this year. Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Carey :)
Log in for Purple mash/RM Unify
Please see below for details on how to log in to purple mash/rm unify.
Username: Child’s last name followed by first initial of first name e.g. Child is called Freddy Apple it would be applef
Password: Your child knows their password
Many Thanks,
Miss Carey :)
Homework for 22.09.23
Your child has been given their homework for next Friday. Please complete this in the front of their homework books.
Spellings can be practised on the sheet and this does not need to be handed in.
Maths can be done on the sheet but please stick in the homework book.
Reading comp- Please get your child to write the answers out in their homework book.
EBL is due in Wednesday 20th September and is to be completed in the back of the homework book.
Thank you for all of your continued support. Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Carey ☺️
Welcome to class meeting
Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting on Friday, it was lovely to see you all! If you were unable to attend I have attached the PowerPoint that was used.
Many Thanks,
Miss Carey :)
First day back!
I hope you have had a wonderful summer! We cannot wait to welcome you back to school tomorrow.
We will have PE on the first day back so please send your child in PE kit. The weather is very hot at the moment so please remember sun hats, drinks and apply sun cream on your child before the school day ☀️
Please remember to send your child in with their transition packs.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Year Three Welcome to Class meeting
I hope you have had a wonderful summer!
The Year three welcome to class meeting will be held on Friday 8th September 2023 at 2.30pm. This meeting for Y3 parents will take place in the Phiz Lab and will be a chance for us to meet and share the expectations of being in Y3 as well as all the amazing things that are planned for the year ahead.
I will be at the Phiz Lab door on the above date and time to greet you and sign you in.
I look forward to seeing you all again!
Miss Carey :)