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A wonderful end to the term with our KS2 Passion Play

Making Easter Cards

A wonderful Lenten Retreat with Dan Callow & Emily

We enjoyed taking part in a CAFOD workshop

Some fabulous Anglo-Saxon projects produced by all of our children to end our topic

Making food webs for Science Week- Making Connections

A beautiful class collective worship this morning led by a group of our Y4s

As part of Children’s Mental Health week we played people bingo to make connections with each other & find out more about our classmates

For safer internet day we looked at the issues we might encounter online & ordered them according to those we might encounter most often & discussed how to deal with them. We also wrote questions about online concerns & had a ‘snowball fight’ to collect a new snowball to help each other answer our questions

For National Storytelling Week we went to Forest School to share some spooky stories 👻

As part of National Storytelling Week we spent some time in our school library listening to stories and sharing some of our own favourite stories 📚

We used the bible reference to find the scripture about Moses & the burning bush to read 🙏

The ran stayed away so we were able to get outside for this afternoon’s hockey session 🏑

Another beautiful class Collective Worship focusing on how Jesus is our light 🙏

Hockey- practising our passing skills & holding the stick correctly

Making our own timelines to show where the Anglo-Saxons fit into British history

A beautiful Collective Worship led by Y4

Exploring the sounds we can make with a variety of musical instruments & what we had to do to make the sound

We went on a sound walk around the school to see what sounds we could hear & what vibrations were happening to make the sounds

We researched different people who have made a difference for the Common Good in EBL for our Catholic Social Teaching

Beautiful Collective Worship planned and led by our Y4 children today

Brilliant beginnings in EBL for our Anglo-Saxon topic
