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We have been learning about mechanisms - especially wheels and axles. We investigated how the axle rotates and causes the wheels to move. We also learned about a vehicle called a ‘Land Yacht’ and observed how it has a sail and it can be powered by the force of wind. In pairs, we assembled our vehicles and designed the sail with a Christmas theme. Finally, we tested our Land yachts to see how well they worked.

This week we have been so busy rehearsing our Christmas Nativity Play called, “Little Angel Gets Her Wings.”


Today, we had a dress rehearsal and it was so good! We are super excited to perform it for our parents next week!

Dignity of the Human Person and the start of Advent. In Maths, we have planned what World Gifts we could buy. We wrote letters to the elderly and sang and prayed together in collective worship.

We are getting so grown up in Year 1 - look at all the whole class learning we have been doing!

Look at our 2, 3 and 4 point linked group balances in gymnastics!

OLSK School Retreat Day was so up lifting and joyous for everybody!

Thank you Dan and Emily for leading us in collective worship, we really loved doing sign language to the songs!

The children also acted out some well known stories from the Bible,  while we had to guess the story. 


In class, we discussed how our God speaks to us through the words of the Bible and when we open our ‘ hearts and minds’ in prayer. 🙏🏼 

Singing and Signing.

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The Story of Daniel and the Lions.

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We really enjoyed our Spanish Day. We learned how to say ‘hello’ and ‘my name is …’ We also did some counting in Spanish and used maps to trace the journey from the UK to Spain. Then we tasted Spanish foods and watched Flamenco dancing! 💃 🕺 

Delicious apple turnovers using seasonal locally grown Bramley apples. Super rolling, folding and sprinkling skills Y1.

We are Stewards of God’s Creation. Litter picking and leaf collecting to make improvements to our school grounds. How are you being a caretaker of God’s beautiful world?

Today we celebrated Harvest Festival in school. Thank you for all your generous food donations! We had a special assembly and we sang our song about Harvest time. 

Harvest Time Song

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Celebrating the Feast of St Francis 

In RE we have been thinking about God’s beautiful creation. We made pledges with Cafod to help care for our world and did the Go Green day on Friday to raise money.

We have been working really hard with reading and writing this week in our RWI groups.

We really enjoyed having our parents coming into school this week to play maths games with us! We played ‘Make 10’ - a card game where you have to find a pair of cards that add to make ten. We also loved playing ‘Snake’ and ‘Race to Twenty.’

We enjoyed improvising in music today. That means we made up our own tunes using the notes C,D and E to match the background music


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This week, we have been busy doing lots of practical maths.We have been matching numbers with objects and comparing numbers and using the vocabulary ‘greater than, less than or equal to.’

We are learning about changes in the seasons and we have been looking out for signs of Autumn around school. The children found lots of brown and yellow leaves, seeds and berries.

We celebrated the feast day of one of the disciples of Jesus - St. Matthew with a special mass led by Year 1. The children were so reverent and confidently joined in with the prayers and hymns! We are so proud of them!

Our Brilliant Beginning for EBL. Our animals that live in very hot and very cold countries came in for the day! We put them on our giant world map, made them houses and clothes. We wrote name tags for them and read them stories in the reading corner. We loved colouring our giant map too.

Rolling and stopping the ball in PE

Using play dough and tens frames to represent numbers

Sorting objects into groups in maths

Common exception words treasure hunt in our outdoor classroom
