What were the achievements of the Ancient Egyptians?
In this history driven study, we will be exploring the history and geography curriculum through the key question - 'What were the achievements of the Ancient Egyptians?'
As historians, we will aim to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British and world history, establishing clear narratives within and across the periods studied. Through an in depth study, we will learn about the achievements of one of the earliest civilisations and gain an understanding of how they have impacted our modern world. We will explore a range of sources to help us understand how knowledge of the past is constructed.
We will revisit and refine our geographical skills throughout this topic, using maps and atlases to locate Egypt making geographical comparisons to the UK. We will also name and locate countries and cities within the UK and also in Egypt. We will consider aspects of physical and human geography, including land use and settlements, economic activity and trade links and the distribution of natural resources and how these factors influenced the development of this early civilisation.
Throughout this study we will be continually revisiting and refining our skills and knowledge. Therefore, our 'golden nuggets' of knowledge will be embedded into our long term memories.