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5.07.24 - Wow! What an amazing day we have had at Little Owl’s Farm. We got to pet some of the animals, we had a guided tour around the farm and then we got to have lots of fun on the park and bouncy pillows! We have had so much fun!

This week the children have been continuing their learning about farms, we have been talking all about the different animals that live there and who is responsible for them -The people who work on the farm and us!

28.06.24 Today the children went into the year one classroom to do a whole day of learning with Miss Hudson and Mrs Belk to become familiar with the new class. They had a fabulous day and are definitely year one ready!

27.06.24 On Thursday the children took part in their very first Class Mass. They did fantastic, well done Reception!

This week the children have been focusing on prayer. They have been learning about the importance of prayer and how we pray in school and at home, we have also been continuing our learning about the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

This week we started our new topic book ‘Farmer Duck’ we have been learning all about the different animals on the farm and we can’t wait to visit the Little Owl Farm next week!

Rights and Responsibilities week. In forest school we have been caring for Gods planet by creating habitats for the animals. We used leaves, sticks and stones!

During RSE learning we have been talking about feelings and how we all experience different feelings and that’s ok, we talked about how it relates to our topic story ‘Giraffes can’t dance’

This week we have had our VR experience we looked at lots of animals and the habitats they live in. We were soo excited.

During the month of June the children have been doing lots of learning about the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we have created our own heart for our display and completed lots of other activities based on this too.

The children have been exploring more about the story of Pentecost this week in continuous provision. We have also been designing a sacred heart for our display as we begin the month of June, The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Reception are full of the Holy Spirit

We enjoyed our day celebrating world children’s day and dressed to express ourselves!

We enjoyed having the fire service in to show us how they help people in the community in different situations we were so excited to use the hose and sit in the fire engine the rain didn’t stop us!

We’ve enjoyed learning about Pentecost this week we read the story from the bible and acted it out during our worship.

We enjoyed sitting on the digger this week and learning about how Miss Hudsons dad helps the community with his ground work business.

We’ve enjoyed testing our previously taught skills on the bikes this week, we have been putting them to the test and trying to see if we can improve.

This week we have continued our learning about our new story ‘Doctorsaurus’

We have enjoyed maths today counting on to 30, exploring patterns and practising our number formation.

Bike ability we love negotiating obstacles it was really tricky!

This week in forest school we have been planting our flowers for the Olympic competition, we have made medals in our planter, gold, silver and bronze. We also have made dens which is where princess pearl may have lived in our story Zog and the flying doctors.

May is the month of Mary, this week in RE we have talked about the importance of Mary and recapped what we go to church for, we enjoyed designing our own glass windows.

We have shared our photos of us as babies with our family to show the people who care for us at home.

During our topic we have been exploring lots of different continuous provision linked to the people who help us, we have trained as firefighters too this week.

Uh oh... today we came into our classroom to find there was a crime scene! Mrs Finnegan had not seen anyone and we had to be detectives to find out what had happened.

We have continued with our topic about people who help us completing lots of different activities and using role play in our doctors surgery.

We have been very lucky to have Barbara in to tell us about her vocation too, she is a doctor and talked all about how she helps people of all ages in the Drs Surgery.

This week we had our retreat prayer day where we focused on the Our Father prayer. We have completed activities related to this and unpicked the prayer talking about how important the words are and what they mean.

We have had Arthur’s mom visit this week she talked to us all about what her vocation is as a children’s nurse and how much she loves making children really happy and settled when they feel poorly.

We have been learning lots throughout Eastertide, we have revisited the paschal candle and been writing some of the vocabulary from our Easter unit. We are so happy that Mrs F bought us some new Bibles we love them.

During our people who help us topic we have been looking at different roles within the community and thinking about what they do. Our current story All Through the Night is all about the people who work through the night. We have discussed what they do and why they need to be available during the night. We have also painted some nocturnal animals from the story.

We were so lucky this week to have Evie’s mom visit us she works in a Vetinary Hospital and helps look after our animals for her vocation.

We enjoyed bike ability this week in PE we practised gliding and lifting our feet while the bike was moving!

Wow we were so lucky to meet PC Mittoo today who showed us all the equipment he uses for his Vocation to keep him safe and also the police car! We were so excited and all had the chance to sit in his car, even Miss Beasley thought she could be a police woman 🚓

This week we have continued with our learning about Zog, but also we have been thinking about different Vocations during Vocations week. We have even painted the things we think God is calling us to be.

In maths this week we have been focusing on doubles and number formation can we count to 20 and beyond...and can we use two numbers to subitise and make 20!

Christ has Risen! Alleluia! In RE we have been celebrating the Resurrection of the Lord! We have been learning all about the Paschal Candle

This term we have started our new topic, our CST question is ‘What are your God given talents?’ We are thinking about what God is calling us to be. This week our story focus is ‘Zog and the Flying Doctors’
