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Solidarity and the Common Good

Y2 created religious artwork today showing people fleeing their homes for safety led by The Holy Family. We hold all people who have to leave their homes in our hearts 🧡

During this week, National Refugee Week, we join Fr Hudson’s for a seminar on ‘Welcome the Stranger!’🙏💙🙏

Year Three have written lovely messages on orange hearts as part of the valentine initiative. We stand in solidarity with refugees 🧡 

Bible Group stood in Solidarity with Refugees at their Prayer Service today. Liturgy Leaders from Y6, welcomed Pre School & YR to their group today to offer prayers for those less fortunate than themselves as part of our School of Sanctuary work.

Year Three wrote their explanation texts about what a School of Sanctuary is! 

Year 6 have been working on a floating structure that would benefit communities at risk from flooding. We tested them this afternoon- and they were a success!

Year three explored how we can stand in solidarity with refugees. We also made valentines cards as part of the valentines initiative 🧡

Pre-school have been sharing the story ‘The Invisible’ and discussing all the different emotions a refugee may feel as they experience life in a new country. We also explored making hearts outside and used a range of materials to create orange hearts to show Solidarity for Refugees 🧡

Year 1 are showing their solidarity with refugees through our Valentines initiative, showing dignity and compassion through their words and actions.

Today Y4 have been writing letters to refugees and decorating our hearts for the Valentines initiative, to show that we stand in solidarity with those less fortunate than ourselves.

Y5 have been reflecting on the importance of welcoming the stranger through our CST focus Solidarity of the Common Good. 🧡🧡 We are also in the middle of designing our own Valentine’s Day cards for refugees!

Year three interviewed the Caritas ambassadors to gather their responses about what it means to them to be a part of a School of Sanctuary. We can’t wait to include their responses in our writing next week!

in school this week, all children are doing an RE lesson about showing solidarity with refugees in preparation for our refugee Valentine’s initiative. Year 2 learnt about how we can welcome the stranger. We made posters all about how we are a school of sanctuary 🧡

The Caritas Ambassadors showing true servant leadership this afternoon, giving up their lunchtime to volunteer at the Halesowen Welcome Group 🧡

Thank you to the Caritas Ambassadors for launching our Valentines solidarity with refugees incentive in assembly this morning! You spoke so eloquently and really put your faith into action 🧡

This term, Year 6 have been looking at the devastation that floods cause to farmers in Bangladesh. With this in mind, we are designing and making our own floating structures, focussing on things that can benefit communities at risk of flooding. We have lots of ideas; football pitches, outdoor classrooms, vets and many more! All things designed to show Solidarity to our Worldwide family!


Solidarity means that we are interested in the good of all, even of people nobody thinks about because they have no voice and no power. The goods of the earth are there for everyone. The common good consists not only of the material or external good of all human beings; it also includes the comprehensive good of the human being, including even the spiritual good.

The common good of society is not an end in itself. It is only part of a bigger picture, the ultimate end of which is God. 

Year 2 are thinking about solidarity for the common good in history- Did the civilians of London work in solidarity to try and put the fire out? Some thought provoking answers! 🔥

Year 2 are being great disciples in collective worship, by discussing how they are going to show dignity and solidarity this week. They are going to be kind to everyone, not just their friends, and do little acts of kindness around school.

The Caritas Ambassadors had a great meeting this morning to plan our Valentine’s initiate for solidarity with refugees 🧡 assemblies, fundraisers and getting our families involved are all in the plan!

Yesterday the whole school dedicated their collective worship to innocent people in war zones. We wrote messages of love and kindness to show we are thinking of them 💕

Year 2 have shown solidarity with the innocent people being effected by the war at the moment. We drew love hearts and wrote messages to show we are thinking of them and praying for them 🧡

Caritas in action 🧡

Y1 have loved the story ‘That Fruit is Mine’ and really grasped the message of focusing on ‘ours’ (and not just our own!) We have worked together as a team to create our Year 1 class family art work; collected our own used toys to share with others and have focussed on the very special messages of showing love and friendship to all people in Jesus’ teaching in The Good Samaritan.

Y3 have been working extremely hard this week. We’ve written letters to Father Stefan telling him all about how the apostles shared their possessions in Acts 4:32. Our action this week is to recycle our lunch waste, not only around school but also in class. We have researched people in history who have changed the world for the benefit of all such as Martin Luther King & Marcus Rashford.

Year 6 have worked really hard this week in our solidarity and the common good lessons. We explored Fratelli Tutti and thought about how we can apply it in our own lives. We wrote raps about solidarity and thought about how we can show solidarity in EBL to make our world a greener place.

Today, we had the privilege of working alongside volunteers at the Halesowen Welcome Group, as part of our Catholic Social Teaching, supporting those less fortunate than ourselves!  🙏💕🙏 

Solidarity of the Common Good in the classrooms

Y5 redesigned our school logo and wrote pledges to stand in solidarity with others!

Y5 have been researching which scientists have worked for the common good!

Solidarity of the Common Good! These boys came to celebrate their rap that they created for CST with me this afternoon! 💕💕 So proud! Can’t wait to see what music they add to it next week! ☺️


Still image for this video

Solidarity of the Common Good! ☺️

The children in Year 2 discussed how we can create peace and what peace means to us as part of our Solidarity and the common good week. The children created beautiful posters on what peace means to them. They have also been using their artistic talents to create a painting to illustrate solidarity.


As part of our Catholic Social Teaching week on Solidarity and the Common Good, Y5 are researching how and where CAFOD works for the good of all people! 
