We are extremely proud to achieve the School of Sanctuary Award!
Staff, children & families have all worked together to ensure that our school is a place of sanctuary for all those who need us! Huge thank you to the whole of our community on this award!
The assessors were overwhelmed with the amount of work that we are doing in school to make our school a place of sanctuary, for those who need us! They were thrilled with all the art work that the staff & children have created to celebrate all their learning & displayed around school for all to celebrate.
The Assessors were very impressed with the Caritas Ambassadors who showed them around; they commented on their knowledge & passion about our Catholic Social Teaching & especially how important it is to our whole school community.
Huge thanks to all the children and their families for their support and for the contributions they have made to supporting those less fortunate at the Halesowen Welcome Group- they are thrilled with all the Christmas Boxes for the children in the group! Thank you to all who donated.
We would like to thank Miss Meese for her continued passion, drive & energy to lead this in school. She is a true inspiration to everyone in our school and beyond! We are very grateful for the hours she has put into making our school the wonderful place it is & to all the staff for supporting her in this Mission!🙏💕🙏
Congratulations everyone! 🥳🎉🙏💕🙏
If you're anywhere near the Cornbow Shopping Centre in Halesowen, have a look at this brilliant art exhibition from @OLSK_ !
@BrumSchOfSanc @SchsofSanctuary
Driven by teachers, school staff, parents, governors and community groups, this network supports the thousands of young people seeking sanctuary in the UK, raises awareness of the issues facing people in the asylum system, challenges misconceptions and builds social cohesion.
Schools of Sanctuary are schools that:
Learn about what it means to be seeking sanctuary, issues surrounding people who are seeking sanctuary and how to support those who are seeking sanctuary within the school.
Embed concepts of welcome, safety and inclusion into their very fabric, and that share and celebrate their achievements.
Share their values and activities across the entire school community, with students’ families and in their local community.
14.02.23 Year 2 have been busy writing valentine cards to our local MP to spread awareness and show our support for refugees. We have also written prayers and explored a refugee story 🧡
28.11.22 Wow! We are overwhelmed the the generosity of our families and staff supporting The Welcome Group. Mrs McNulty was thrilled to received 81 boxes that will be given to the children at the Christmas Party. Thank-you to everyone who contributed! 🙏💕🙏
Discipleship in Action!
Pope Francis talks about service and charity: “Love and charity, are service, helping others, serving others. There are people who spend their lives in this way, in the service of others.When you forget yourself and think of others, this is love!
As part of our Catholic Social Teaching, all staff are volunteering at the Halesowen Welcome Group; supporting those less fortunate than ourselves. We are extremely proud to be called by God to serve others, especially at this time of the year, when families are really struggling financially and refugees, are in need of our love and support. 🙏💕🙏