Updates for next week
As part of our RE learning we are exploring Families and Celebrations. In RE next week we are looking at Baptism and other celebrations in Church. Please can you send your child in with a photo of their Baptism or a Baptism they have been to on Monday (16.09.24). If you do not have a photo of a baptism it can be any other church celebration e.g. a wedding, First Holy Communion. This photo will be photocopied and stuck in your child’s book for a writing stimulus. The original copy of the photo will be returned to you by Wednesday. If you would rather send a photocopy or print out in that can go straight into their book that is also fine.
On Thursday (19.09.24) Y1 will be leading their first Mass of the year. Children have been sent home with readings to practice. It would be greatly appreciated if you could practice with your child. Please join us at 9am to celebrate on Thursday!
BTK has now moved to Thursdays so this weeks homework is now due in on Thursday (19.09.24) and a new question will be given out then for the following week.
the children have settled so well into Y1, have a lovely weekend!
Many Thanks,
Miss Carey :)
Parent Meeting
It was lovely to meet those of you who were able to attend the parent meeting. For those who couldn't please see the PowerPoint below.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Miss Carey :)
Quick BTK Homework Task
Tomorrow (10.09.24) as part of our Building the Kingdom Day we are exploring our families across the UK. Please could you talk to your child tonight about where some of your family members live across the UK? Then they can share this with us in an activity we are doing tomorrow.
Many Thanks,
Miss Carey :)
First day back info
Please send your child in PE kit on Wednesday (4.09.24) as we will have PE. Please remember to return your child’s transition pack to school.
At the end of last year your child was sent home with their reading dairy. Please can you send your child in with their reading diary on the first day so that we can sort out your child’s reading book.
We can’t wait to welcome you back to school!
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Welcome to Year One Meeting- 11.09.24
Welcome to all our Year 1 families!
I hope you all having a wonderful summer!
The Y1 Welcome to Class Meeting will be on Wednesday 11th September at 14:45 - 15:00.
This meeting for Y1 parents will take place in the Phiz Lab and will be a chance for us to meet and share the expectations of being in Y1 as well as all the amazing things that are planned for the year ahead.
I will be at the Phiz Lab door on the above date and time to greet you and sign you in. I can't wait to meet you!
Miss Carey :)