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Autumn Term

We loved finding out more about the symbols of Baptism & why they are used in this sacrament. Some children were able to bring in pictures of their own special day to share with the class. 🙏🏾❤️💒

Y3 enjoyed learning all about First Aid & CPR. What amazing people to have around if there is an emergency! ⛑️🩺

We started our new PE topic with Mr Softley. We can’t wait to start learning some gymnastics routines.

We loved our VR session for our Building the Kingdom brilliant beginning. We were transported to different capital cities in the UK and were able to explore the landscape and features.

We investigated our CST focus by writing about how we can support our family & community to make them successful.

September is the month of the 7 sorrows of Our Lady. We had lots of events from Mary’s life in an envelope to sort, some happy, some sad. We then put the 7 sorrows into chronological order and wrote what we would say to Mary to make her feel better.

We learnt how to use the KS2 bibles. Mrs Turner quizzed us and we had to find the books of the Bible as quickly as we could using the colours on the pages.
