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Mental Health Ambassadors

Our Mental Health Ambassadors are encouraging everyone to ‘Keep Learning’ this half term, as our focus Step to Well-being, linked to our Gospel Virtue Learned and Wise.

Sign language club with our Mental Health Ambassadors. Keep Learning! #5stepstowellbeing

We are the Mental Health Ambassadors. We promote and support mental health and well being in our school

Mental Health and Wellbeing

The Dudley Educational Psychology Service have worked with our children, parents and staff to create an action plan for Mental Health and Wellbeing in our school. We are delighted with the outcomes from the pupil, parent and staff focus groups, which really capture the heart and ethos of our school. Have a read! You can also see the action areas that we will be working on over the next 6 months. From Mrs Mitchell and the Mental Health Ambassadors

Our Spring 2 Focus is TAKE NOTICE, linked to being Faithfilled and Hopeful. Just like we stop and take time to listen to God to build our faith, when we stop and Take Notice with our five senses, we build up our mental strength and find joy in the little things!

Spring 2

Spring 1 focus

We have chosen GIVE’ from the 5 steps to well-being for Spring 1. This ties in brilliantly with our gospel virtue focus this half term of being COMPASSIONATE AND LOVING’. When we live out being compassionate and loving, we live our lives to serve God and others. And, we support our own mental health and well-being. 

We have made posters promoting how when we ‘give’ we can feel better too.

  • Give a smile.

  • Give a compliment.

  • Give someone your time- listen to them.

  • Give love and care to someone who needs it.

  • Give compassion and understanding to everyone.
