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Our Spring Learning Journey

We continued exploring building a range of structures whilst in Forest School πŸ—ΌπŸ•‹ we discovered it was difficult to build with the cardboard boxes as the wind was very strong! We also found some mini beasts whilst we were collecting natural materials πŸͺ±πŸŒ

We have been exploring building houses and various structures using a range of resources. We worked as a team to create larger structures and were able to add height to them by creating supports using the boxes. We used the 2D shapes to create our own scenic pictures and buildings.

Using our woodland creature photos we explored painting a range of creatures, we thought carefully about the colours we needed to use for each creature; as well as the shapes of the different features and body parts that each animal has πŸ¦ŠπŸπŸ¦‰πŸ¦”

We went on a journey around school today to visit the 14 Stations of the Cross ✝️

Literacy Development- as we strengthen our muscles in our hands ( through using dough disco and write ✍️ dance activities) We are becoming confident writers during focus learning and free choice.

The children are really enjoying our traditional stories this term - they are being very expressive in our cottage role play. Playing a variety of characters, remembering the refrains from the stories and using different voices.

WOW! We loved exploring the snow in our garden ❄️We made lots of snow balls and even found some icicles hanging off the cupboards! We worked together to roll the snow to create a snowman, it was really heavy! β˜ƒοΈ Afterwards, we came in and got nice and cosy to have our snack and watch β€˜The Snowman’ β˜ƒοΈ

During Class Worship we began our β€œ Lenten Journey β€œ The children noticed that the prayer cloth has changed to purple as we β€œ Wait” for Easter time” Some children could recall attending church and having Ashes on their forehead - drawing on their personal experiences of Lent.

This term we are very lucky to have Miss Shepherd who is a dance teacher teaching us weekly with Reception Class - we are learning a dance routine which we will be performing to our parents at the end of term ( how exciting) Our topic is β€œ Who Lives in the Deep Dark Woods?” So our dance is β€œThe Three Little Pigs”

This week we had our first PE session with Mr Benjamin our School Coach. He was very impressed with our listening skills and ability to follow instructions. We focused on working with bean bags and balancing them on our different body parts and travelling.

Personal , Social and Emotional development - Well done to our new friends who have settled beautifully into Pre School life we are delighted you are part of our team . It is lovely to observe new friendships and see our older children being GREAT role models .

The children were so respectful and thoughtful as we learnt about β€œ Refugees β€œ we discussed how they would be feeling how we could help and the children decided they wanted to send them our love ❀️ so as a team we created a HUGE collage heart. Some of the children made up their own prayers to share with the group. We also did some orange handprints to represent offering a hand βœ‹ of friendship to those in need. Some of our friends had heard the word β€œ Refugee β€œ and was willing to share their knowledge with the group. So proud of all our kind and loving friends in Pre school.

Wow you blew my socks 🧦 off with your phonic knowledge it is wonderful to see and hear πŸ‘‚ you saying the pure sounds. You also attempted to write some letters whilst chanting the individual rhymes β€œ down the tower across the tower”

SUPERHERO DAY was SUPER! We all came dressed as our favourite characters and shared our super powers with our friends. During the day we received a phone call from β€œ Superheroes headquarters β€œ because our cuddly toys 🧸 taken by the villains and trapped in Forest School. Our Mission was to rescue them with our safety net and super powers. We achieved the task and worked together as a team to save all the toys 🧸 HOORAY.

We are super digital learners in Pre School- exploring how to use the IPADS and computer. Learning new language such as β€œ swipe, mouse, keyboard, print, log in, screen etc”

β€œ The Baptism β€œ the children using their imagination and working together.

During class worship we acted out a β€œ Baptism” whereby the children took on the important roles of Father Stefan, the parents, God parents and the congregation. The children chose their outfits to get into character and showed great respect and reverence during the service. We prayed together and sang β€œ My Hands are Yours” and raised the roof with β€œ Jesus your my Superhero.” During choosing time the children returned to their previous learning and acted it out independently.

Personal, Social Development is key to our learning - we enjoyed playing a variety of board games using a dice, counting, turn taking. We had to use our memory and prediction skills and practiced rolling a dice which is a skill in itself ( Mathematical Development)

Scientific Experiment in Forest School- Our task was to build a shelter for our friend β€œ Chikondi” the giraffe πŸ¦’ from CST and Bertie the Bear from β€œ Whatever Next” It had to be water proof - we checked it by pouring water πŸ’¦ over it and check if they were still dry. We left our little friends out over night with torches πŸ”¦, food , water and blankets and will check them tomorrow to see how they survived. Night Night sweet dreams 😴

PE this week was exciting and challenging we had to use our Gross Motor Skills to access the large equipment. We practised climbing, balancing, jumping, swinging and even demonstrated our movements to our friends. All the children were so sensible remembering our safety rules knowing when to jump on a mat and how to land safely. Their listening skills were amazing when they heard the tambourine they knew to stop and get off the equipment safely and sit down. So proud of all our budding β€œ Athletes β€œ

Mathematical Development exploring 3D shapes - After sharing the story β€œTrip to the Moon” I asked the children to build a rocket for Peppa Pig to travel to the moon πŸŒ™ in. They displayed high levels of involvement as they shared the resources and created unique Rockets. Some even decided to add furniture from the small world equipment and include other characters.

Communication and Language Skills - during Show and Tell. The children are beginning to develop their questioning skills which is gear to see.

The children are really enjoying our Space Topic this term πŸš€ The children have created the planets πŸͺ exploring paints and different textures. They have discussed what they would take to Space and why. They are actively using the Space Station role play becoming Astronauts and using lots of appropriate language .We have learnt lot of new amazing facts - I am sure your child would love to share them with you.

This week our focus is β€œ Solidarity and the Common Good” linked to our Social Catholic Teaching. Whereby we are teaching the children how important Friendship and Teamwork is to create a happy, safe setting That everyone can enjoy and flourish.We love our new member of pre school who is Chikondi the giraffe.

5,4,3,2,1 BLAST OFF ......... Let’s Learn about β€œ Space” πŸš€

Our focus story this week is β€œ Whatever Next”we shared the story and we acted it out. The children really got into character and contributed to our discussion - they shared their ideas with their talk partners. Afterwards we Left out the props out for them to explore and re create the story. We also practised our new rhyme β€œ Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer”

Today began with a beautiful Class Worship Service whereby the children began to learn about β€œ Baptism” We discussed what happens, shared important garments, and learnt a lot of new words such as Holy Water, Baptismal Candle, Holy Spirit,,Godparents and Font. We learnt how we were given our β€˜Unique’ name during the sacrament and how we were blessed. We are so excited to share the Children’s own photographs of their β€œ Baptism” please remember to bring them in.

Fun packed morning in Forest 🌳 school - we discussed the safety rules and explored our environment. We even had our snack and a story in our AMAZING learning space.

Wow what a wonderful start to a New Year. It began by welcoming our New Friends to our Pre School Family. The children were eager to talk about their Christmas πŸŽ„ Holiday’s and what Santa πŸŽ… had bought them. They seemed pleased to be back with their teachers and Friends and look at all the fun we had both inside and outside.
