This is what our Y6 leavers think of OLSK!
How does our school 'feel'? How does it make you feel?
'Safe and cared for'
'I feel safe, supported and cared for they always support everyone'
'It makes me feel happy and joyful because other schools are not Catholic and they don't teach about the poor and vulnerable and this school has lots of friends that I can play with.'
'It makes me feel safe because I know there are people looking after/over me. Also my friends are there to support me and make me feel safe!'
'School makes me feel calm and safe knowing the teachers are protecting us and happy to see my friends and the amazing staff everyday.'
'School makes me feel safe and happy, its a place I can call home and know I can always talk to someone if I'm feeling down.'
'Very safe and supported and I know I can talk to any of the teachers and they will reassure me.'
'OLSK makes me feel safe because I know I have teachers and friends that I can trust and talk to. I also feel very comfortable because I'm surrounded by all my friends in one room.'
'Our Lady and St Kenelm makes me feel safe because the teachers here at OLSK are very supportive, and I also feel excited to come to school because I know I'm going to learn something new every single day.'
'The school makes me feel supported because if I would want to talk to my teachers about something that I didn't really want to tell any of my friends they would listen to me and understand.'
'Feels like home'
What has been the best thing for you about coming to OLSK?
'Meeting so many people because I used to be shy, I still am but not like before.'
'Going on trips and theatres, all the special days we celebrate such as Pyjamarama day and non uniform day and also making new friends.'
'Definitely all my friends, best friends that I have met and become friends with! Also the amazing and fun trips that I have experienced.'
'Definitely, the trips they are so fun and I still have memories about Cadbury World on the playground I'll never forget them.'
'The best thing about being in OLSK is all the friendships I have made with our class and with the teachers.'
'Growing up in a safe and happy environment where I can always feel comfortable.'
'I think the best thing about coming to school at OLSK is seeing all my friends and being welcomed with a smile from my teachers. I love going on trips at OLSK because our staff try to get us on the best trips.'
'The best thing I think is worth coming to school for is my friends. I don't know what I would do without them, they are always there to support me and they always manage to bring a smile to my face and always manage to make me laugh. They make my school life feel comfortable.'
'The best thing about coming to OLSK is meeting all of my amazing friends that I still have today and know that I will stay in touch with them in the future.'
How has being a pupil at a Catholic school made a difference to your life?
'It has given me confidence in knowing about Jesus, God and the Bible.'
'It teaches me to do the right things and follow in God's path'
'Well, learning about CST has made me more aware about how to become a better disciple of God and how to treat people and the world.'
'I think it will help me to remember my gospel values in my adult life.'
'It's made a difference to my life by teaching me all about our planet and how we could save it. If I got my second school option I would not be the person I would be today and that's because of OLSK'
'Being in a Catholic school has helped me know all the ways of God I should follow, it has also helped me understand the situations some people are in from doing CST lessons.'
'It's brought me closer to God, and it helped me build my trust and belief in him. It's guided me to know that God loves me and will always be with me.'
'Being a pupil at a Catholic school has really made me a better role-model. Learning the incredible way of Jesus and his disciples has inspired me to act the same.'
'Being a pupil at a Catholic school have made a difference to life by showing me how to treat the world and believing the God and Jesus.'
To show witness to your faith, what parish activities have you take part in and what have you thought about them?
'I went to St Chads cathedral and taken in the experience of the lesson my tour guide taught me and I have done operation shoe box.'
'I have received my Holy Communion, Baptism and I am preparing for my Confirmation! I also have done the Christmas Shoe Box! I think they are wonderful things to show you believe in God and respect him! (I also love dressing up)'
'I have been to mass at church every weekend possible I have also donated to charity and contributed to the Christmas shoe box.'
'I ran for a charity outside of school.'
'I go to church every weekend and I light candles after mass. I also donate some money into the bags for the church. In school I wrote letters to care homes and donated a pound for own clothes day.'
'I have taken part in making my first holy communion only a couple years ago and now I am working towards Confirmation which is next month. ( I am really looking forward to it)'
'Operation Christmas child, Giving to the Welcome Group and giving food for harvest time.'
'I go to church every Saturday or Sunday, I also participate in the parish activities we do in school. I have thought these were very helpful in my understanding of sacraments to come and i have thought that the activities we do for the Welcome Group are very nice.'
'I have joined a group called the Caritas Ambassadors which help with refugees and international problems.'
'I've given my clothes to others I've donated food and toys to people in need.'
Are you part of any groups in school e.g. Liturgy Leaders, Mini-Vinnies etc?
'I'm in Mrs Brandrick's group where I can talk about the on coming week and express how I feel so I'm not always stressed at OLSK and high school.'
'I am part of the Liturgy Leaders and sports leaders they have taught me experience on leadership'
'I am a part of: Liturgy Leaders, Mini Vinnies, Head Girl, Caritas Ambassadors, Science Ambassador, Resource Manager, Prayer Partner, DAB and a Language Leader. These have prepared me for high school by being a leader to others, working with others and seeing the world in a different point of view.'
'I am a liturgy leader, eco warrior president, prefect, research manager, reading buddy and prayer partner. These jobs have helped me to learn more about catholic social teaching and my gospel values it has also helped me to be more of a leader.'
'I'm a Digital Leader and it's taught me to be careful with electronics and this can help me by carrying heavy things carefully I'm also chair squad which helps me get used to carrying heavy things so in high school I can help after assembly.'
'I am a part of the school council and this has prepared me to speak out for what is right and changes we should make in our school. I am also a caritas ambassador and that has prepared me by looking at things through a different perspective. I am really grateful I got chosen for these roles.'
'I'm actually in quite a lot, I'm a Mini Vinnie, Deputy Head DAB, Head of Eco Warriors, Deputy Head Librarian, and also Deputy Head Girl of the school! I used to be a Research Manager, but then we passed our job to the younger ones.'
'My job is being a research manager which looks after the computer room with a lot of kids inside. This job has prepared me by giving me leadership and how to be responsible.'
'Being a part of groups of prepared me for high school because it have made me confident as a person and more independent.'
'I've been apart of dabs and its taught me to stand up for the right and tell others to treat each other equally.'
How do the Gospel Values prepare you to be a disciple of Jesus e.g. Learned and Wise, Curious and Active?
'Being curious and active prepares me to be more curious of God's teachings and to be more active in showing more gospel virtues.'
'It has prepared me by learning things and getting used to them, it helps me look after my friends and how they look after me and it helps me by thinking of what I want to be like and what I want to do.'
'They teach me how to be the best disciple of Christ'
'These help me to want to learn about God and Jesus and to show compassion, be grateful and curiosity. It also show me to follow God's/Jesus' footsteps.'
'I can think globally and act locally in different areas. I can follow in the footsteps of Jesus by treating everyone a neighbour and loving one another like how He loves us.'
'These gospel values help me to be a good person. Helps me to generous, by giving to the poor. Faithful, by following in Jesus' footprints. Active, taking action in our community. I could go on for ages talking about the gospel values and how they prepare me to be a disciple of Jesus and how they shape me for the future.'
'They help me complete them into my everyday life and will help me fit them into my adult life'
'All of them, each of them are equally important, they all prepare me for my future and help me know what the right thing is.'
'They help me to be a worthy follower of Christ and to help love the lord.'
'It teaches me to spread the word of God and be grateful that Jesus died for us.'
How would you describe the children in our school?
'Well behaved. Sometimes can be a little bit silly and playful. Well mannered.'
'Well, I have lots of friends and I would describe them as kind, caring, smart.'
'They carry all of the gospel virtues so I think they are very kind, smart, active and all the others'
'Energetic and fun because each kid is different and they are all so much fun.'
'I would describe the people at OLSK my family. I know each and every one of them our kind, they are all different which makes our school family so special. Each child with different God-given talents that they are good at e.g. football, maths and English. The children at OLSK are what makes OLSK, OLSK.'
'The children in OLSK are all really nice and sweet but some can be loud.'
'They are lovely! They have been a huge part of my school journey. I've helped a lot of them through my jobs, and they have sometimes helped me. Overall, I like them!'
'The children in OLSK are very disciplined, they seem ready for their next year in school. They are very kind, but some can be loud. Everyone is always nice and says hello when I'm passing by.'
'I would describe them as kind because I can always rely on them.'
How would you describe the staff in our school?
'They are really supportive'
'Supporting, caring and humorous. they make sure we have a great time at primary school and have opportunities not everyone might be able to have.'
'They are AMAZINGGG!!! They support us and keep us safe. They welcome us and support whenever we feel down. They are the best teachers in the entire world and we are so lucky to have them in our lives.'
'Really fun and kind they are also very understanding and I feel like I can talk to them about anything.'
'Hilarious and friendly because I know I can talk to them and they are always there for me.'
'I would describe our staff really special. Our staff are people who I always know I can talk to, I trust each and everyone of them even if I didn't have them or know them each on of them are special.'
'Very welcoming and comforting people to be around'
'They are so, so supportive. I've had quite a lot of worries in the past, such as my grandma dying, being insecure and things like that, but the teachers have helped me through so much! I wouldn't be the girl I am today. So I couldn't have done anything without them!'
'I would describe them protective, caring, trustworthy and friendly to us.'
'The staff in our school are very supportive and they spend their evenings preparing lessons for us the next day. That shows dedication.'
'I would describe them as loving people who have helped me progress through the years.'
'I would describe them as understanding as like I have written in a previous question, if I would need to talk to them they would understand me and help me resolve the problem.'
'I would say they are the best staff I could ever ask for they always help me when I need them and they understand my problems.'
If you were a Governor, what would you do to make our school even better?
'I don't think this school can possibly be better!'
'Give after school clubs a club room filled with their club equipment and Little acorns their own after school room that's just for them.'
'Nothing our school is already 100% perfect'
'Add some more after school clubs like Martial Arts or acting. Update the water fountain, update the chalk markings on the playground as they are very faint. Indoor swimming pool definitely and making the KS2 play area better.'
'I would fix the outdoor water fountains and I would install the netball court because the children don't get enough practice and improve the key stage two play area.'
'I would make the school larger to increase the amount of people that would be there.'
'Nothing everything about this school is perfect'
'I would install an indoor swimming pool, so we don't have to pay to go to the Haden Hill pool. I would also get a better ks2 play area. I would get a netball court, because we don't get much practice. I would fix the water fountains as well.'
'I would plant more trees in forest school because the kids love exploring forest school, so if there are more trees, I personally think they would enjoy it more.'
'Nothing, I wouldn't change anything about the school.'
'I would add a Tree House to the KS2 playground just like the KS1 play area as in SATs week a lot of the children in my class loved it so I would expect other kids to like it as well.'
'I would add more climbing things on the KS2 play area because KS1 have a tree house while we don't.'
What will you miss about OLSK?
'The teachers'
'I will miss my friends in lower years and staff who supported me through my time in OLSK.'
'I will miss the teachers, my friends, the lessons and the events and assemblies.'
The teachers and Elma'
'I'll miss the play area, the library, the research centre, the phizz lab, all the classrooms, the dinner hall, all the teachers and my friends as 98% are going to Hagley.'
'All of the friends I have that are not coming to Hagley with me.'
'I will miss the teachers and all the memories because I grew up here and its very bitter sweet to go on a new journey but leave everything behind.'
'I will miss everything. Right from the field all the way to the KS1 adventure play ground. OLSK has always been my safe place and I don't want to leave.'
'❤ I will miss all of my friends that aren't going to Hagley, I will miss the school itself because I have been here for 7 years. I will also miss my teachers that I've had.'
'My friends, the staff, almost everything! I can't believe I've been here for 7 years, it's such a shock. It's hard to believe to be honest.'
'My friends since their all going to Hagley and how nice the teachers are because in high school they are a lot stricter and go harder on you.'
'I'm going to miss all of the teachers that have helped me along my way and watched me grow into the girl I am today and all the my friends who are going to a different High School to me but I know that I will keep in touch.'
'I will miss the happy and sad days the times being with my best friends and spending times with my teachers I wont forget the funny times either.'
'Teachers and friends'
What are your best memories of your time at OLSK?
'Making friends and going on fun trips with classmates.'
'My favourite memories at OLSK is being in year reception to year six, meeting all the teachers and making new friends and also doing lessons and events.'
'All my friends and all the memories'
'My best memories are ones with all my friends and lockdown. Especially in year 4 with the lockdown six/seven. In year 4 in lockdown we had only a few people in who where originally in school.'
'I have loved my whole experience at OLSK and I have loved everything we've done.'
Having a laugh with all my friends and playing new games on the playground. Laughing and smiling.'
'My best memory is all the friends I have made and meeting all the amazing teachers we have had.'
'EVERYTHING. These days have been the best days of my life.'
'My best memories are meeting all my besties I have to this day and all of the amazing teachers that have taught me in OLSK. :)'
'My memories are from YR to Y6 I will never ever forget this school and I wish I could stay here forever I will miss everything.'