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Welcome to EYFS


Welcome to Reception! 


Hello! Welcome to your new class page. I hope you have had a wonderful summer holiday making lots of fantastic memories with your families. We cannot wait to welcome you into Reception and hope that you are as excited to start or return to school in September as us. Please read through this page where hopefully we can answer some of your questions about the exciting world of Reception. 


Who are the reception teachers? 

  • · Miss Hudson – Class Teacher  

  • · Miss McCrum- Teaching Assistant 

  • · Mrs Belk - Teaching Assistant (Monday-Wednesday) 



The School Day 

Children will begin school at 8.40am and finish at 3.15pm. 

They will have weekly RE lessons, a twice-day phonics lesson, daily 15-minute maths lessons as well as a maths day on Fridays, twice-weekly PE, Forest school and access to all other areas of learning through continuous provision around the classroom and in the outdoor learning area.


  • · PE: Children will have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays (Pupils come to school in PE Kit) We will keep you updated about any changes. 

  • · Forest School: Forest school will be on Wednesday afternoons, Pupils should bring in a pair of wellies (labelled with their name) that they are happy to keep in school all year round, children will then come to school in PE kit changing their footwear to their wellies. (Please ensure that your child always brings a waterproof coat.) 


What is expected in Reception?


In Reception we will do so much fun and exciting learning, and we get to do all this learning through exploring. We will follow the EYFS framework where we will work towards the Early Learning Goals, which must be met by the end of Reception to move on to the National Curriculum. Our learning is done through continuous provision, a learning style that uses activities and resources around the classroom to help provoke the learning through play, exploration, questioning and understanding. All this learning will help the children meet the Early Learning Goals. The first couple of weeks in reception will involve a lot of settling in, and as a team we will ensure that your child is happy and content in their new classroom! 


A day in Reception. 

In reception we have a structured day and join in with all aspects of school life, a typical day in reception will start with the children coming into class and taking part in wake up shake up before sitting down for registration, after this we will then have a short 15 -minute math's lesson on the carpet, this will then move on to a short lesson based on our topic or learning for that day which will help us with our adult-led tasks. After this, we move around the classroom completing activities, this is called continuous provision. We will then have break time, after break we will go onto our Phonics groups where we will have a one-hour phonics lesson, then it is lunch time. After Lunch we have a 20 minute in class phonics lesson and a short lesson based on our topic or learning, we the continue our continuous provision from the morning. Each day is organised slightly differently, as some days we have assemblies, PE and Forest School- but each day is filled with so much excitement and fun! 


Rewards and Sanctions.

In Reception class we use the Rainbow, Sun and Cloud behaviour system. Each child will start every day on the Sun and will aim to be moved up to the Rainbow by demonstrating good behaviour. Should your child show unkind behaviour or fail to follow the school rules, they will be moved onto the Cloud and given a warning. If this behaviour continues, they will be moved onto the Thunder Cloud, given a time out and parents will be informed. 


We will use the ‘Class Dojo’ system where each child will have a little monster character to earn points from teachers for all the good and kind things they do around school as well as rewarding children points for showing gospel values, contributing to lessons and working well with others. We can't wait to see you all shine out! 


Every Friday the children will be rewarded with Golden Time, as long as they have been making the correct behaviour choices throughout the week. If they haven't made the right choices, minutes will be taken off their Golden Time. I’m sure you will all be rewarded with Dojo’s rather than having minutes taken off!  



The reception class page on the school website will celebrate the children’s learning with photographs. There will also be updates and information for parents on this page so please make sure you check the page regularly. 



At the start of September, your child will be sent home with a reading record, a reading book and a sound book. It is essential that your child reads their book each night at home, as this will have a huge impact on their reading progress and chances of passing the phonics screening test at the end of the year. The children will then change their books each week once they have had three reads at home, so please ensure that this is recorded in their diary each time they read.  


We can’t wait for you all to start Reception, and we are all so excited for the year ahead to do lots of learning and make plenty of memories together! 


Thank you for reading and for your support in your child's education. If you have any queries/questions, please get in touch. 


Miss Hudson, Miss McCrum and Mrs Belk :)  

