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Rights and Responsibilities


The Catholic tradition teaches that human dignity can be protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human rights are protected and responsibilities are met. Therefore, every person has a fundamental right to life and a right to those things required for human decency. Corresponding to these rights are duties and responsibilities--to one another, to our families, and to the larger society.


Mrs Sweeney led us in Golden Book on Friday and reminded us about our responsibilities for our brothers and sisters across the world

On Friday, we had our amazing rights and responsibilities art exhibition about the theme ‘home’. Thank you to all our parents who visited and our wonderful choir who sang beautifully

During Rights and Responsibilities week the children in Year Three have explored the differences between rights and responsibilities, our responsibility to care for God’s creation and the right to having a safe home 💙

Bible teaches us about our responsibilities. We are called to love and care for each other 🧡

Today year 2 having been learning all about their rights as a child. We learnt that it is important to respect and protect the rights of all people

Y2 are thinking about our CST for this term ‘rights and responsibilities’ and what our responsibilities are in forest school. We decided it is our responsibility to be a good steward and look after God’s creation. Litter picking and clearing forest school it is! 🍃

The Caritas Ambassadors have been busy planning this year’s art exhibition! we are thinking about this half term’s CST- rights and responsibilities and you will see the theme of ‘home’ in our art work. We hope you can join us on Friday 21st June at2:30pm!

Thank you to our Altar Servers who serve in church every weekend and help Father Stefan each week at school Masses. You are true disciples of Jesus! If you would like to join this team, please talk to Father Stefan. 🙏

Our library is a hub of excitement for reading because we have our amazing librarians on duty every lunchtime. They scan books, make recommendations and keep it tidy. Every class has the opportunity to visit to read for pleasure! How lucky are we!📚

Say hello to our new Pupil Leadership Team. They were presented with the certificates and badges during our whole school Mass this morning. We are so proud of each and every one of them. In their applications they talked about the following:

  • What a privilege it is to be in our Catholic school
  • They will lead by example and follow our Mission to bring out the best in others
  • They want to serve our local parish & community
  • They want to support the Governing Board in making decision which will affect everyone
  • They want to share their God given talents with the whole school and live out our Gospel Virtues


They are a credit to their parents, who joined us for the Mass of celebration, and a huge credit to our school. Congratulations to them!

Pupil Leadership Team

Say hello to our fabulous Liturgy Leaders! They have already begun their duties by monitoring the prayer areas in classes and preparing all the prayer bags!

If you're anywhere near the Cornbow Shopping Centre in Halesowen, have a look at this brilliant art exhibition from @OLSK_ ! @BrumSchOfSanc @SchsofSanctuary The whole school created art work to show our solidarity with refugees and people escaping conflict 🧡
