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Dignity of the Human Person


As Catholics, we see in men and women, in every person, the living image of God. God said:


“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”


We, therefore, recognise that every human being is unique because he or she was willed by God as an unrepeatable person, created out of love, and redeemed with even greater love. The dignity of each and every human being paramount to the teachings of the Church and we are called to treat all people with the greatest respect, knowing that they are an individual created and loved by God.

Y2 created religious artwork today showing people fleeing their homes for safety led by The Holy Family. We hold all people who have to leave their homes in our hearts 🧡

Y5 have been reflecting on the importance of welcoming the stranger through our CST focus Solidarity of the Common Good. 🧡🧡 We are also in the middle of designing our own Valentine’s Day cards for refugees!

In Literacy today Year three interviewed the Caritas Ambassadors to gather responses about ‘What it means to be a School of Sanctuary.’ They are going to use their responses in their explanation texts next week!

Year 1 are showing their solidarity with refugees through our Valentines initiative, showing dignity and compassion through their words and actions.

Y6 wrote letters to James Morris MP to express our disappointment that he voted for the Rwanda scheme!

in school this week, all children are doing an RE lesson about showing solidarity with refugees in preparation for our refugee Valentine’s initiative. Year 2 learnt about how we can welcome the stranger. We made posters all about how we are a school of sanctuary 🧡

The Caritas Ambassadors showing true servant leadership this afternoon, giving up their lunchtime to volunteer at the Halesowen Welcome Group 🧡

Thank you to the Caritas Ambassadors for launching our Valentines solidarity with refugees incentive in assembly this morning! You spoke so eloquently and really put your faith into action 🧡

Year 3 have been researching what it means to be a School of Sanctuary ahead of writing their explanation texts! 

Year 2 are thinking about solidarity for the common good in history- Did the civilians of London work in solidarity to try and put the fire out? Some thought provoking answers! 🔥

The Caritas Ambassadors had a great meeting this morning to plan our Valentine’s initiate for solidarity with refugees 🧡 assemblies, fundraisers and getting our families involved are all in the plan!

Year 2 are being great disciples in collective worship, by discussing how they are going to show dignity and solidarity this week. They are going to be kind to everyone, not just their friends, and do little acts of kindness around school

Year three are writing their own poems about Dignity of the Human Person 🙏🏻

Mrs Turner took the choir down to the Halesowen Welcome Group to spread some festive joy and boy, did they! They were AMAZING and left everyone with huge smiles on their faces! Thank-you! 🎶

The whole school have been so generous in donating Christmas presents for the children of the Welcome Group so they have a gift to open on Christmas Day 🧡

What talented children we have in school. These three girls embraced the work for Dignity of the Human Person, by creating a song! 💕 They are rightly, very proud of the their achievements and so are we. They performed to the whole school today in my HT Assembly today…everyone congratulated them all on their performance & cheered at the end. 🙏💙💕😇 Well done girls- fabulous teamwork! 


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If you're anywhere near the Cornbow Shopping Centre in Halesowen, have a look at this brilliant art exhibition from @OLSK_ ! @BrumSchOfSanc @SchsofSanctuary The whole school created art work to show our solidarity with refugees and people escaping conflict 🧡

Wow, our fantastic Y6 children created some art work all about refugees which has been displayed in local art gallery- The Art Yard! Here is our exhibition evening 🧡
