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Spring 1

Does adversity always make us stronger? 

Solidarity and the common good/ Dignity of the human person.

Our question for this term of ‘Does adversity always make us stronger?’ will be explored through the Catholic Social Teaching lense of Dignity of the Human Person & Solidarity of the Common Good across the curriculum.


As part of our enquiry learning we will be historians through looking at the empire of Ancient Greece and investigating if the civilisation treated people with more dignity then we do now. We will discover how the history of Ancient Greece impacted on present day Europe, building on our understanding from our previous topic. The children will look at the treatment of different social groups within Ancient Greece and whether Sparta or Athens had a fairer hierarchy and government. Year 4 will be developing an understanding of primary and secondary sources and the impact that this has had throughout history. We will learn about the origins of the Olympics and how this effected the political make up of Ancient Greece. Through this we will investigate how the Olympics began and how it became the sporting event that it is today. Throughout the unit we will be comparing and contrasting from the historic period and modern day Europe to see the changes that have been made. Looking at the ongoing conflicts throughout Ancient Greece, we will answer the question "does adversity always make us stronger?" and learn how we can create an environment fostering dignity and solidarity for all. 


Children will also be encouraged to share their own ideas or experiences throughout this, allowing them to build curious minds. Throughout this study we will be continually building upon our skills and knowledge. Therefore, our ‘golden nuggets’ of knowledge will be embedded in our long-term memories!   
