Thank-you so much to everyone who was able to join us for the KS2 Carol Concert. I'm sure you'll agree that our children can really sing! What a wonderful way to continue our countdown to Christmas!
What did parents think?
'Lovely service, so well presented and you could tell the amount of practice that everyone had put in.'
'Wow wow wow. What a beautiful carol concert with exceptional singing, dancing, reading and performances. The hairs stood up on my arm and I had goose bumps hearing just how beautiful all the children sounded singing together. They really did sound like angels. You could tell just how much effort had been put in from every single child and every member of staff to make it as magical as possible and they definitely delivered. Well done OLSK ❤️'
'Best one yet! The children all performed with such energy and enthusiasm. Well done to all involved, thoroughly enjoyed.'
'Wonderful morning. the children have beautiful voices xx'
'Fabulous, children sang beautifully'
'It was amazing. Christmas has deffo started for me now x'
'Children sang wonderfully and always so enthusiastic. Staff always very welcoming'
'Thought concert was fabulous and the children were all brilliant'
'It was beautiful and the songs were really good'
'The concert was really lovely. It was so polished and the children sang beautifully. I love the songs too! Thank you x'
'Wonderful charming performance thank you staff for all your hard work'
'What a wonderful Carol Concert and Nativity performance. I think we were privileged to enjoy some of the most fantastic and uplifting singing ever. It was lovely to have some new songs too and they were really moving. Thank you children, you should all be very proud of yourselves, as should all the teachers and staff for encouraging the children and helping them perform so beautifully. Congratulations to you all.'
'It was an awesome program organized by teachers. Also, the students performed very well'
'I would like to say HUGE THANK YOU ,for such an astonishing performance ,for the hard work that it's put into place to be able to deliver such an amazing moment. Totally awesome ,thank you so much for always greeting us all with so much love ,smile ,and warmth .This place its far much more than a primary school its a Family ,its a safe place ,it's a Holy ground full of beautiful loving souls.'
'Children sang beautifully and the staff arranged the concert perfectly. It was very emotive and left me feeling joyous, an unforgettable day. Clearly a great deal of effort and care went into the preparation, you should be full of pride for how you embody the school.'
'Carol concert was fantastic, the pupils sang so well and coped with some difficult songs.
very well done to all'
'Thoroughly enjoyed the KS2 carol concert. The children sang really well and it was good to hear a couple of songs that were new to me. Not only do the children sing well accompanied - they also sing well unaccompanied. Well done children and staff - a lovely occasion!'
Could anything be improved for future performances?
'Maybe the children who play specific roles could still join in with singing most of the songs once they have done their part if that is possible'
'Coffee on the playground whilst waiting to go in to hall would go down a treat 👍'
'Nothing at all you're all fabulous'
'No, keep doing the amazing job you're doing'
'Just keep up the amazing work you do'
'Could you sell tickets next year. It would raise money for school funds and also make sure tickets aren’t wasted.'
'Not really, do keep the new songs though as that was a very pleasant surprise. I like the ending too where they leave in pairs.'
'I think it was amazing .Well done to each one of you ,you are awesome Souls. May Our Dear Lord Bless Each One Of You .'