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Week 4- Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers 11.05.23 DUE IN 18.05.23

How have workers rights changed over time in the Black Country? 


Next week is our Catholic Social Teaching Week focusing on Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers. We are going to link this to our new topic all about the Black Country by making comparisons between employment in the Black Country today and the Industrial Revolution era in the Black Country. 


  1. What sort of jobs did people have to do in the Black Country before the Industrial Revolution? 
  2. What sort of jobs did people have to do in the Black Country during and after the Industrial Revolution? 
  3. Who went to work? 
  4. Were people paid fairly? 
  5. What were workers rights during the Industrial Revolution? 
  6. How have workers rights changed now? 
  7. What sort of issues surrounding employment do we face in our current day? 


The points above are just starting points. Please expand on you research for each point. We would normally expect children to be able to write 1-2 A4 sides of quality research at this point in Year 4. 


Due on Thursday 18th May 2023 
