Year 1 Project Day - Where Does our Food Come From?
NEW DATE - Tuesday 12th July
We have moved our project one day earlier, due to Sports Day on Wednesday 13th.
Please practise your phonics little and often over half term with your children. I have sent home a booklet to practise, but there is also lots of resources in the phonics screening area on our class pages. Our Phonics screening is on Tuesday 7th-Friday 10th June.
Here is our new project - due 13th July.
Maths homework during the SUMMER TERM will be given out on Friday and should be returned the following Friday.
Forest School - Monday 7th February.
Please bring wellies and outdoor coats/all in ones in a bag. Thank you. Mrs Mitchell
RE Homework for Wednesday 2nd Feb
In RE we have been learning these Parables:
The Good Samaritan
The Prodigal Son
The Lost Sheep
On Wednesday 2nd February, we will be having a go at writing one of these stories. You can pick which one you would like to write.
So, to get ready for writing – I would like you to retell the story to someone at home (talk for writing). You don’t need to do any writing. Just use the pictures to tell the story. Try and do it a few times so you feel really confident for our writing lesson on Wednesday.
Happy New Year Year 1 and Parents!
We hope you all had a restful and happy break.
Thank you for your continued support.
PE will still be on Wednesday and Friday (come in kit)
Forest School: TBC (once every half term)
We will start sending activities home to support your children with their phonics, as we begin preparations for Phonics Screening in Summer Term. More Info to follow.
Thank you
Mrs Mitchell
Dear Parents/ Carers,
As part of our Advent fundraising, we are trying to raise money to buy ‘World Gifts’ from CAFOD to help families living in poverty buy essential items such as food, water and hygiene products. We have looked in our maths lessons at what we could buy if each family donated £1. For example we could buy...
and two
In Year 1 we have decided to do a sponsored 'Hit the Button Half Hour' throughout the week to see how many times we can complete the 1 minute number bonds to 20 challenge in half an hour.
Please contribute any donations you are able to on school money. We are holding this fundraising event instead of sending Christmas cards so it is not an additional expense for families.
Thank you so much for supporting this important cause. Our contributions to ‘World Gifts’ will truly help a family living in poverty. If you would like more information, please visit the CAFOD website.
Thank you again,
Mrs Mitchell
Updates 6.12.21
What a busy week ahead!
Thank you for all your support with getting pumps and costumes for our Nativity. We are very excited to be recording the performance on Monday which will be made available by the end of the week to watch at a time that suits you. If you are able to join us live for our performance to KS2 on Tuesday 7th Dec at 9.30, click on the link on our webpage and you can watch the children’s fabulous performance live!
Christmas Dinner
Tuesday 8th Dec- Come in own clothes and Christmas jumpers. We will change into our nativity costumes for the performance then back into our Xmas jumpers ready for our Christmas dinner.
We are really excited about the theatre trip on Wednesday. A lovely treat for the children after all their hard work. We have PE in the morning then will be having an early lunch in class before we go. The performance starts at 1pm and lasts 55 minutes so we will be back in time for the end of the school day.
Reminders - Come in school uniform. Bring PE kit in a bag.
The children can bring a small bag a sweets. Please remind your child that they are just for them and not to share, as we have children with allergies.
Thank you all for your support.
Please can you all bring everything in named, in a plastic bag by Friday 26th Nov.
Monday 29th Nov at the latest because we have a dress rehearsal. Chat to Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Sweeney or Mrs McCahill if you have any questions. Thank you.
Angels (girls) - we have angel dresses in school, and tinsel. All you need to bring in is your pumps.
Angels (boys) - please can you bring in white shorts or white trousers and a white t-shirt, plus your black pumps.
You have been working so hard on your dancing and singing - well done Angels!
Donkeys (boys and girls) - we have got some tops and donkey ears for you to wear, but please can you bring your black trousers/leggings and black pumps in.
You have been working so hard on your dancing and singing - well done Donkeys!
Villagers (boys and girls) - we have got your tunics and props, but please can you bring in your black pumps.
You have been working so hard on your acting and singing - well done Villagers!
Nativity Time!
Your child is either a dancing donkey, a dancing angel or a villager.
The children know which one they are as we have been practising, but chat to me at school if unsure.
Villagers and Angels- please can you bring in black pumps in a carrier bag by Friday 26th Nov. We will keep them in school. I will chat to the boy angels parents next week.
Donkeys- you will need to bring in black trousers or leggings and your black pumps in a carrier bag by Friday 26th. Thank you.
RE - Families and Celebrations
For our new topic after half term, we will start by looking at special celebrations we have been to. If you can, bring in a photograph of a special celebration or occasion you have been to with your family. E.g. A Baptism, First Holy Communion, a wedding, a birthday party etc...
Please make sure the photo is no bigger than A5 as we will be sticking them into your RE books. Thank you.
Forest school
To celebrate St Francis’ Feast Day on Monday 4th October, we will be exploring God’s creation and how we can look after our world in our Forest School. Please send in wellies and waterproofs in a bag. Thank you. Mrs M.
Wednesday 29th September- EBL research
Your child bought home their EBL book today. This is to do their research in. I’ve added a few photos below of research from previous year 1 classes to give you an idea of how to support your child (NB. different question). Please ensure your child’s research book is in their bag every Tuesday. Thank you. Mrs M
Logging on RM Unify
Please help your child become more confident logging on RM Unify by helping them to practise at home. Their username is their surname and the first initial of their first name. They know their password. We talk in lessons about how we keep our password safe.
Date for your diary:
Open afternoon on Wednesday 13th October at 2.30pm. This is a lovely afternoon to share in your child's learning. You come to the classroom and sit with your child as they show you all the super work they have done this half term. We hope you can come.
For Next Tuesday 14th September …
I am bringing these two in with me for EBL on Tuesday 14th September.
Husky is from a very cold part of the world. Do you know where? Do you know how he copes with the freezing temperatures? Does Giraffe live in a cold country too?
Do you have a toy animal from a hot or cold country that you could bring in for our lesson on Tuesday? You might even have a meerkat you could show us!! (Please don’t bring your most precious toy. We will of course take care great care of the toys we all bring in, but unfortunately accidents can happen).
Please don’t worry if you don’t have a toy animal that fits with hot or cold countries. You can help me look after Giraffe and Husky.
Thank you for coming to our welcome to class meeting today. It was lovely to meet you all. If you were unable to attend, the ppt from the meeting is here for you to access.
Welcome to Year 1 Meeting for Parents
There will be a welcome meeting for Year 1 parents/guardians on Tuesday 7th September 2021 at 2.30pm. This will be held in the Phiz Lab, please enter via the Phiz Lab fire door where I will let you in. The meeting will be around 20-30 mins long. The information from the meeting will be made available for any parents or guardians that are unable to attend the meeting. I look forward to meeting you all!
Mrs Mitchell