Does God's creation cause harm?- Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
Our question for this term of ‘Does God’s creation cause harm?’ will be explored through the Catholic Social Teaching lens of Option for the Poor and Vulnerable across the curriculum.
As part of our enquiry learning we will develop our geographical skills through exploring the natural disasters that occur on our earth. The children will explore both the human and physical geography of natural disasters. The sequence of learning will begin with looking at what is underground through exploring the different layers of the earth and tectonic plates. The children will use maps, atlases and globes to support their learning of this. The children will be able to identify key aspects of physical geography through exploring volcanoes and earthquakes. Human geography is a really important part of this topic as natural disasters often have devastating aftereffects for communities. We will explore how having different resources can help prevent damage to people’s homes and livelihoods. The children will also explore what happens to those who are vulnerable when these disasters occur and how challenging it can be for them to rebuild their lives with very little. Through this topic children will learn about the importance of sharing our resources with each other as everything should be fair and equal for all. ‘Give a portion to seven, or even to eight, for you know not what disaster may happen on earth’ Ecclesiastes 11:2.
Children will also be encouraged to share their own ideas or experiences throughout this, allowing them to build curious minds. Throughout this study we will be continually building upon our skills and knowledge. Therefore, our ‘golden nuggets’ of knowledge will be embedded in our long-term memories!