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Our Spring Learning Journey

Remembering The Last Supper 🍷 🥖

What a fabulous afternoon we’ve had, welcoming our children’s grandparents into school 🍰❤️

Today, we’ve been celebrating Saint Joseph, our class Saint, as it was his feast day on Saturday. We learnt that he is the patron Saint of many things, including families. We visited his statue and said some prayers for our families.

Well done to our fantastic scientists from Reception class for working so hard on their science projects for the OLSK Science Fayre. A special ‘well done’ to Anna, for winning the prize for best project in KS1 for her fantastic knowledge all about the PH scale and being able to use scientific vocabulary to talk about her balloon experiment 🏆

Today we visited Pre-School to find out that Goldilocks had been in and made a mess with all the porridge. We acted out the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears as part of our topic story this week!

Dance with Miss Shepherd

Today we explored which items sink and float

Pancake Day! We had a fun time making yummy pancakes in Phizz Lab and eating them afterwards! 🥞

Today we started learning about the season of Lent, and of created some beautiful artwork of Jesus’ journey with the cross 💕

Mental Health week has been so much fun we even got to sing together in the hall! It made us feel so happy😊

For Children’s Mental Health Week, we have been reading ‘The Colour Monster’, a story that teaches us about our different emotions and what they feel like. We drew pictures of things that make us feel happy, sad, calm, angry, scared and loved 💕 and made our very own feelings jars to put them in.

What a fantastic morning we have had, holding, stroking and learning about ‘Today’s Living Dinosaurs’, with Mo from Animals in Hands. We learnt all about lots of animals including snakes, bearded dragons, chameleons, lizards, scorpions, crabs and even silky chickens (the closest relation to the T-Rex!) 🦎🦖🦕🐍🦂

Throwing and catching in PE

Today we’ve been exploring different ways to make the number 8️⃣

Today is Chinese New Year, so we celebrated by making our own dragon masks and collage lanterns 🐉

We’ve been learning all about volcanoes and created some wonderful volcano artwork today! 🌋

Today we’ve been exploring different ways to make the number 6️⃣

Take a look at our wonderful dinosaur artwork up on display! We’re all really enjoying our new topic 🦖

Catholic Social Teaching Week: Solidarity of the Common Good

We enjoyed making dinosaur nest cakes today. We used the scales to measure out the ingredients 😊

Another lovely week in Reception

Today, Mrs Ray taught us all about Baptism - we dressed up and acted out the special day🥼👗 We talked about Jesus being Baptised and shared our photos from when we were Baptised 💕

Congratulations Golden Book children! 🏆

Exploring our dinosaur activities

Today we went for a nature walk and found an egg on the adventure playground! We decided it was so big, it must be a big animal... could it be a dinosaur egg? 🦕🥚

Having fun in PE, balancing bean bags on different parts of our body!

In maths we continued learning about capacity and were comparing containers using mathematical language such as most, least, smallest and largest 🪣

We had great fun building a dinosaur den in our classroom!!

Flappers and Pantosaurus march

In RE we setup the prayer table today and performed the story of Three Wise Men.

This week we have been learning about our teeth how to keep them happy and healthy.

We had so much fun exploring how much liquid we could fit into different containers, full, half full and empty!
