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Welcome to Year 2


Hello! Welcome to your new class page. I hope you have had a wonderful summer holiday making lots of fantastic memories with your families. We cannot wait to welcome you into Year 2 and hope that you are as excited to return to school in September as us. Please read through this page where hopefully we can answer some of your questions about the exciting world of Year 2!


Who will your teachers be?

Miss Meese- I am very excited to be teaching you all this year and I cannot wait for all the exciting adventures this year holds for us as a class!

Mrs Brandrick- We are so lucky to have Mrs Brandrick as our brilliant teaching assistant and Elma’s Dog Mentor!

Miss Marson- You will have the wonderful Miss Marson if I am away on a course, who will be delivering lots of exciting lessons for you!


What is expected of me in Year 2?

Year 2 is going to be your chance to really shine as members of Key Stage One. We are so excited to welcome you back to school. We are going to work very hard but also have lots of fun along the way. We will be here to help, support and guide you with all of your learning, but we are also going to help you to become more independent learners in preparation for Key Stage Two. It would really help your adults at home a lot if you remembered your own book bags, PE/swimming kits, reading books, and reading diaries. Reading books and reading diaries need to be in school every day. Remember to ask an adult to sign your reading diary when you have read at home and remember to complete all of your homework and bring it in to school on the correct day. We can’t wait to continue your learning journey with you. 


Rewards and Sanctions

This year, we will continue to use Dojos- each of you have a little monster character and you will earn points from teachers for all the good and kind things you do around school. There are lots of opportunities to earn Dojos- for being kind, helpful, working hard, showing, and sharing your Gospel Values, being resilient, persevering even when things are tricky, participating in learning, completing homework, using your manners and lots more. So, make sure you are always doing your best to shine out and be the best you can be! 


As usual, we will be having Golden Time on a Friday, so if you make the wrong behaviour choices then you will be given minutes off that time. I hope that I will be rewarding your behaviour with Dojos rather than using minutes!


Just like in Year 1, we use the rainbow, sun and cloud behaviour system in Year 2. You will start every day on the Sun and will aim to be moved up to the rainbow by demonstrating good behaviour in order to earn Class Dojos. If you show unkind behaviour or fail to follow the school rules, you will be moved onto the cloud and given a warning. If this behaviour continues, they will be moved onto the thunder cloud, given a time out and parents will be informed.


PE and Forest School

You will be having PE twice a week in year 2, I will let you know which days very soon! You can come to school dressed in your PE kit on these days. Later in the school year we will be going swimming also. I will update your parents with this information nearer to the time. I will let you know when we are using Forest School so that you can bring your Forest School kits in with you. Please remember to bring the correct kit to school so that you can take part.


What homework will I get?

It is very important that you read to an adult at home every evening. This will help you progress and will be very helpful for your learning in all lessons. Make sure your adult signs your reading record so that myself or Mrs Brandrick know that you have been reading at home. We will encourage you to change your reading book regularly, but this is your responsibility too.


Monday- Your maths homework will be given to you to complete for the following Monday (This will be every other week).


Friday- Every Friday I will give you your spellings to practise for the following Friday. It is really important you practise these spellings throughout the week as it will help you with your spelling test.


If you lose your homework, please come and ask Mrs Brandrick or I for a new sheet before it is due. If you do not complete your homework at home, it will have to be done in your own time at school.


We can’t wait to welcome you into Year 2, and we are so excited for the year ahead to do lots of learning and make lots of memories.


Miss Meese and Mrs Brandrick 

