Do we all have a mission?
Through enquiry based learning, children will answer the question "Do we all have a mission?", investigating what our missions are and if everyone in the world has a mission and are the missions the same? They will study this through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching, looking at ‘Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers’ and through studying the impact of states of matter in science, children will build their awareness of colonisation and how individuals can contribute to society as a whole.
Children will build on their prior learning of states of matter previously learnt by following the water cycle. This will relate to our CST as we investigate how we can look after our planet to benefit all people and workers. We will investigate how we could reuse water to save energy and therefore investigate the issues of rising sea levels and how this will effect other countries across the world further developing from our prior EBL knowledge.
Children will develop an understanding of physical and human geography changes due to rising sea levels and what we can do to improve this.