What is the difference between surviving and living?
Our question for this half term of 'What is the difference between surviving and living?' will be explored through the Catholic Social Teaching lense of Dignity of the Human Person and Solidarity of the Common Good, across the curriculum.
In EBL we will explore this through being geographers. We will be building upon our prior learning from KS1 where we explored key physical features of towns, cities, factories, farms and harbours; deepening our geography skills. Children will research the importance of different types of settlement and land use. By looking at the features of the local town of Halesowen we will explore the urban settlement, through the hills rural, compact settlements of apartments, and dispersed in the local surrounding farms and fields. In turn, we will carry out research on the trade coming into the United Kingdom and distribution of natural resources, focusing on food shortage, poverty and how modern day society may impact the way in which with live our daily lives.
The children will use this knowledge at the end of the unit to analyse an aerial photograph of changes of settlement of the years. Children will be encourage to share their own ideas or experiences throughout this term, continually building upon our skills and knowledge. Therefore, our 'Golden Nuggets' of knowledge will be embedded in our long-term memories