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What was life like for a child in World War II?




In this history driven study, we will be exploring the history and geography curriculum through the key question - 'What was life like for a child in World War II?'


As historians, we will aim to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of both British and local history dating back to the early 1900s. Through an in depth study, we will discover contrasts between the world in 1939 and the world now by looking at what life was like in school and at home. Additionally, we will be researching a significant turning point in British History- particularly the Battle of Britain. Locally, we will look at the lasting effects of the war in places close to home such as Birmingham and Coventry. We will explore a range of sources to help us understand how knowledge of the past is constructed.


We will revisit and refine our geographical skills throughout this topic, using maps and atlases to locate cities and counties within the UK, Europe and North America. We will consider aspects of physical and human geography, including land use and settlements, economic activity and trade links and the distribution of natural resources and how these factors influenced the events of the War and which countries got involved. 


Throughout this study we will be continually revisiting and refining our skills and knowledge. Therefore, our 'golden nuggets' of knowledge will be embedded into our long term memories!
