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Summer 2

Do My Individual Actions Have a Global Impact?

Through enquiry learning, children will use varying skills from geography, science and literacy to explore the question ‘Do my individual actions have a global impact?’ They will study this through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching, looking at ‘Rights and Responsibilities’ and through studying the different biomes around the world. Children will build their awareness of environmental issues and how our own decisions and actions can make a difference.


Children will build on their prior learning of natural resources to study the differing biomes across the world. They will look at the differences between biomes, why they are significant and how they can be protected by individuals but also whole countries/ governments. Children will work to answer the question ‘Do my individual actions have a global impact?’ They will understand how each of us can impact the future of the world. They will look at the work conducted by different organisations and governments to protect out environment.
