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Visions and Values

Our school Mission is

' Bringing out the best in everyone, for the benefit of all, in the Spirit of Christ.'

Our Mission for all our beautiful children and staff, is to provide them all with opportunities to become closer to Christ every day, & this is built on the foundation that we are building heaven, here on earth at Our Lady & St Kenelm! 

We want all our children to encounter Christ in everyone they meet, knowing that every person is made in the image and likeness of Christ! 



This is evident as soon as you step through the doors and see that Christ is at the centre of our school. We all work hard to make sure that everyone is treated with care and respect, and everyone is made to feel special and helped to realise their God-given talents. Every member of our school community is welcomed and valued, Catholic and non-Catholics alike.



Our rich curriculum and ethos instil the Gospel values in our children, teaching them to be kind, caring, forgiving and respectful young people. Links are made between the teachings of Jesus and how we behave and treat others in our own lives.


We have daily acts of collective worship including hymn practices and prayer services, and our children also pray regularly throughout the day in their classrooms. Parents are invited to join us for special prayer services led by different classes.


The whole school attends Mass on Thursday mornings led by Fr Stefan. Children read, sing and pray together and make our Masses beautiful celebrations of the Eucharist.
